4GB Patch Not Working
#1 03-04-2023 
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I have been trying to get the 4GB patch to work to no avail. I have all The Sims 2 games on discs, and I've read online that it can be very difficult to get the patch to work with the disc version of the game. My game is not currently giving me any major problems other than a little lag, but I've just gotten into custom content and mods, so I want to optimize my game as much as I can. I've downloaded the patch and confirmed with CFF Explorer that it has been installed. I've moved my .exe file to my desktop and back, launched the game several times, and my log file still reads 2048MB. I have made some changes to the Graphics Rules in Notepad++ including fixing the texture memory, resolution, smooth edges, and terrain. I'm not sure if that will make a difference. Mansion and Garden is my latest pack. Thanks!

Attached File(s)
.txt  DESKTOP-QUUGL5K-config-log.txt (Size: 10.35 KB / Downloads: 129)
.txt  DxDiag.txt (Size: 112.12 KB / Downloads: 121)

#2 03-04-2023 
Name (database): NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER <<NOT FOUND IN DATABASE!>>

The first thing I see is - you need to add your card to the database.
I would do that with the GRM (GraphicsRulesMaker)
Then you'll have to run the 4gb patch again. (The GRM will undo it.)

Good luck! Flower

#3 03-04-2023 
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Thanks for your reply! I added my graphics card to the database using Graphics Rules Maker. I applied the 4GB patch and ran the game, and that didn't seem to work. I then moved my .exe file using cut/paste to the desktop, applied the patch there, and moved it back. I ran the game, and it's still showing 2048MB in my log file. I've included an attachment of my updated log file so you can see what I did.

Attached File(s)
.txt  DESKTOP-QUUGL5K-config-log.txt (Size: 10.69 KB / Downloads: 98)

#4 03-04-2023 
Hrm... let's wait and see if anyone else has a suggestion. *fingers crossed*

#5 04-04-2023 
Windows is probably detecting the altered exe and restoring the original right after you've changed it. I'm on Win7 myself and disabled this feature long ago, so I don't know what it's called on your system, but it could be Defender or some other Windows healthcare program that does this.
To get the patch to stick, you should disable this Windows protection system before making the change, and re-enable it afterwards. Maybe someone else can help with the specifics of this procedure, if needed.

#6 04-04-2023 
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Ok, I finally got it to work! I saw one of the pinned forums on here about SecuROM, and I followed the instructions on there. I used the SecuROM removal tool to uninstall SecuROM from my computer, and then I used TrashReg to get rid of the registry. I then downloaded a disc-free version of Mansion and Garden and applied the 4GB patch. I'm not sure if that is a conventional way of fixing the problem, but everything seems to be working well so far. I was wanting a way to play the game without a disc anyway in case it somehow got damaged and became unreadable. Hopefully I haven't done anything wrong. Thank you all for the help!

#7 04-04-2023 
@itsmecarlk That sounds like a solid way to fix it. It's so long ago for most of us to have to deal with SecuROM. You actually mentioned in your first post that you'd installed the game from discs, but this fact must not have registered with any of us, or one of us might have mentioned SecuROM removal.

Nowadays, the advised procedure is to install the game, and then BEFORE running the game, replace the exe with "George", a replacement file which includes both the No-CD/No-DVD patch AND the 4 GB patch. This way, SecuROM installation is never initiated, and the problem doesn't occur, regardless of whether you installed from discs or from a digital distribution like Origin.

Anyway, thank you for keeping us updated on your progress, and enjoy your game.

Happy Simming,
~ BO


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Information we need

  1. The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
  2. Your operating System.
  3. What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.

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