Hackers Attack LivingSims
#31 21-01-2011 
I don't think so - from his posts I would say he is ESL and maybe means hackers in general rather than livingsims specific.
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#32 22-01-2011 
But still its good to see a long list of members online and that too they are posting at a good ratio
Lord Roco, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Jan 2011.

#33 23-01-2011 
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i Lol'ed on what leefish said! Big Grin
http://www.pro2leet.com/ Go SON , check this!

#34 23-01-2011 
Hmmm. Thats a link to a closed board. Are you saying your board was hacked too?
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#35 23-01-2011 
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Would you Mind Checking it Again ? Big Grin ( was Workin on it , So Closed it , Now Opened Again)

my site Hacked ? Rofl Big Grin who have the Guts to do that ? Big Grin

#36 23-01-2011 
Undersc0re, I am sorry, but that is an empty forum. Well, practically.

Closing thread - if you DO know who did this, looking at the forum then you probably won't be telling us.

The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower


Sorry, that is a members only option