MTS meetup
#1 15-11-2010 
Well, today was the day that the MTS meetup happened - I drove to Amsterdam with the help of my trusty TomTom and met some of the MTS folks.

Here's us.....


The MTS grafitti was already on the wall. No parts of Amsterdam were defaced by us.
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#2 15-11-2010 
*sniff* Wish I could have been there Sad Did you all have fun?
Just keep swimming...

#3 15-11-2010 
It was a fun day - it rained like the whole time - but it was nice to meet people who were just avatars before Smile

Who's who in the pic....

Standing (left to right)

buitefr, whiterider, frenchie, leefish, renske

Kneeling (left to right)

HP, Delphy
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#4 15-11-2010 
wow that sounds fun ... lol rain ... I wish it would rain ... all i get is dumb cold ... and some form of mutated frozen rain ... called sleet .. weird though ... i thought more people would have came ... but all in all it sounds happy ... I would have went ... but i want to go to Italy for my sophomore year ... so i needs to saves some money

#5 15-11-2010 
  • Fishlike Associate
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Sound likes a riot and a half! I wish a) I could have came and b) wasn't afraid to go to foreign countries.

Although, I hate missing out, so I might have to save up for the next meeting! Wink
Leesesters favourite make up artist

#6 16-11-2010 
I wish I could have gone, it sounded so fun Sad

#7 16-11-2010 
I'm sorry to say that...

1. I know only three of those seven names, and that includes Lee.
2. I'm not active at MTS at all, except for some occasional DL-ing and commenting.
3. I didn't know of this gathering at all!

So, clearly I wouldn't have belonged there Wink

#8 16-11-2010 
(16-11-2010 02:30 PM)BoilingOil Wrote:  So, clearly I wouldn't have belonged there Wink

Well, I wouldn't say that....but yeah, was an MTS meetup so if you are not very active on MTS it would not be very interesting for you. Hence I posted in the tea room rather than site news - was more Lee news than LeeFish News Sleepy
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower


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