• Smitty Classy Single Door
  • Uploader:
sims2 #1
This is another door that has been hanging around in my downloads folder for the LONGEST time....Apartment Life is my favourite EP, and the original of this door is one of my favourites - just too big - so I made a one tile version.

I originally made it for a request; I was going to expand it out to a full set, and I will do a centred door as well. The sharpeyed among you may see a window that matches the door - the window is NOT finished - there are some small gaps in the mesh and I never got round to the diagonal. If there is interest then I will upload the window later.

The doors of course are provided with a diagonal and straight version and have NO gaps in the mesh....

275 Simoleons

1022 Polys

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x 22

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  • Include my objects in your lots
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  • Let me know if you recolour one of my items so I can post a link in the upload thread.
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  • Include my meshes with your recolours unless you ask me first.

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Smitty Classy Single Door Screenshot          
Download link
Filesize 35.61 KB | File Name Smitty Classy Doors.rar | # of Downloads 2,565  
#2 07-03-2010
  • Guest
Definitely would love to see the rest of this set!! it looks fabulous so far = )

#3 08-03-2010
  • Guest
Thank you very much. - ooblushy88oo

#4 09-03-2010
  • Guest
thank you. more would be nice, i agree. the unfinished window looks great.....i would like to have it very much Smile


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