• Shih Tzus in four coat colors...
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sims2 #1
Shih Tzus, made long ago from scratch in Create-A-Pet... As I felt guilty for not getting too far with my tees, I figured I'd upload something that was made long ago and has gotten plenty of mileage in my own game. These are popular pups with my sims; these, toy poodles and pit bulls for some reason...
x 8

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Shih Tzus in four coat colors... Screenshot Shih Tzus in four coat colors... Screenshot Shih Tzus in four coat colors... Screenshot Shih Tzus in four coat colors... Screenshot Shih Tzus in four coat colors... Screenshot      
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#9 22-04-2012
MTS rejected these based on the sizes of the images (this was the closest possible CAS zoom without using some sort of hacked camera, I don't know if they'd be satisfied had I just left more dead space, brick wall and UI in the background to meet the 800x600 guideline instead of cropping) and the fact that they were all CAS rather than in-game (easily fixed.) The other suggestion though, that I "tweak" the face by "lowering the brow" proved a bit more difficult for me, as I stand behind this as my best effort to represent the breed in a way that is both accurate and aesthetically acceptable within the (remarkably flexible and thoroughly sufficient, yet nonetheless present) limitations of the game engine. As the responses I did get here were fairly positive, I invite any honest opinions, as you are a generally very nice group of people and might have been inclined to be more encouraging because I am relatively new to submitting content. I do not know how familiar the reviewer of my submission is with Shih Tzus. I don't intend to modify the face as I don't feel I can get it any closer without it beginning to look odd/ugly. I'll resubmit with larger, in-game pictures and if they take it they take it, if not it just remains here. I do have to say I have definitely seen things on MTS that in my opinion do not meet the strictest quality standards, so I don't think I am wrong to stand behind my work here. Does anyone who has been submitting for a time find that results vary depending on who reviews something? Thanks for your candid responses. Smile

#10 22-04-2012
Quote:Does anyone who has been submitting for a time find that results vary depending on who reviews something?
YES! Big Grin

#11 22-04-2012
So, MTS found the pics a bit small. Well, they are a bit small, but you can see what the pet looks like.
My personal opinion is that sometimes MTS needs to give new creators a break and - in general - they should allow creators to create.

The dogs are sweet, they look like cartoon versions of the Shih Tzu breed. Sim like. Like you say, there are limits in what you can do before any sim gets an "over tweaked" look.
My advice? Reply to your changes PM and say you are of course willing to take larger in game pictures, but you are not willing to change the dog sculpt. Ask if that is acceptable as you don't really want to spend a lot of time on the pictures just to have it rejected.

Re the varying response: I think it DOES vary. It is more than just who reviews it though - it is also the submitter as well. I think that once you have a couple of uploads under your belt it gets easier - then - after about say 10 uploads - MTS like creators to stretch out a bit more. I know that I am a better creator today because of MTS.

I think more about my upload (does it add value, has it been done before..etc) and I really obsess over my pictures. Pictures need to SHOW what the user is gonna get - but, the world being what it is today, it needs to look appealing as well. Hard to do, to combine presentation AND information in one shot.

#12 22-04-2012
Quote:Does anyone who has been submitting for a time find that results vary depending on who reviews something?
Oh my, yes. Undecided

Trout has some good suggestions. I'm also wondering if maybe you should use another/an additional comparison picture, that shows a real Shih Tzu from the the side as well. Because if you look at the profile pic of your Shih Tzu, and compare it with the picture of the real ones from the front, then yes, it does look a bit like yours has a higher brow (but not when you look at your front-face pic, then I think yours looks as close to the real thing as CAS allows). So I'm wondering if maybe the mod thought your Shih Tzu didn't look enough like the real ones simply because of the different angles of the pictures.


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