• Rachel Barnes
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sims3 #1
Growing up, Rachel has always wanted to get out and see the world, but she never had much money. She would read about far-off places in the multitude of books at the local library, dreaming of traveling everywhere, one day... Perhaps that day can be today. She dreams of settling down in a nice, cozy house with lots of bookshelves and a cat to keep her company, while she saves enough money to travel to the much dreamed-of places. Please give her a nice home and help her to achieve her dreams!

[Image: thumb640x480]

How could you say no to that face?

Rachel is made without the use of any sliders! The only custom content that was used is her hair, which is the "Florence" hair made by Elexis. You can get it here: http://acecreators.blogspot.com/sea...l/female%20hair

She is packaged with an Ambitions hairstyle, but I really recommend that you get Elexis's hairsyle because 1) it's awesome and 2) she looks really good with it!

I made her using all of the EPs, but I don't know if you need them to be able to download her.

Cat Lover
Hopeless Romantic

Lifetime Wish: Seasoned Traveler

Favorites: Grilled Cheese, Classical Music and Lime Green

Zodiac: Libra

Additional Credits:
Thanks, Rapsheba555!
x 4

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Filesize 313.59 KB | File Name Rachel_Barnes.rar | # of Downloads 75  
#2 23-05-2012
Thanks Twi. Shame I don't have Sims 3, Rachel could have visited Australia. Heart

#3 23-05-2012
Thanks Twi

* leefish downloads sim and marries her to brutish ugly sim and makes her have 7 children.

Don't let it happen to you Big Grin

#4 23-05-2012
Why not 7 triplets, while you're at it, Lee? Big Grin


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