Teens and Babies
OK, so a mod that keeps teens from caring for babies is maybe not the best, how about one that keeps them from carrying it to school with them

RebaLynn1960, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Apr 2012.
I was thinking that too, BO!
Karen Lorraine, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Jan 2012.
Well, the cost of having a babysitter is waay too much for the teen moms of the ghetto so a simple alternative would be to take the thing on the school bus and with you. Now you can study and take care of your spawn at the same time without paying the good for nothing nanny

I have a mod for that, so they can leave kids at home without hiring a nanny. And there's also a mod by Squinge, where they can ask a visiting friend to watch the kids, while they're at school.
Either way, with the right mods, they don't really need to hire a nanny.
Either way, with the right mods, they don't really need to hire a nanny.
One of my teens just grabbed the baby to feed as the bus pulled up, so she ran to the bus, but forgot to put the baby down. Now, that I think about it, it might have something to do with the "Drop everything, and run to bus" Mod which might not be working quite as planned.
I have so many mods I can't remember what all I have, and don't have
I have so many mods I can't remember what all I have, and don't have

RebaLynn1960, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Apr 2012.
I don't have any mods to make my sims drop stuff, but they never take anything with them. So maybe you should just get rid of that mod and find somthing else to make your sims run to the bus.
It's not a big problem, so I won't worry about it to much. I sholuld have said the mod is "Stop, and goto school / work".
It is a big help with the bigger families, but I'll play around with it and see if that is what's causing sims to carry babies, and toddlers to school, or work.
It is a big help with the bigger families, but I'll play around with it and see if that is what's causing sims to carry babies, and toddlers to school, or work.
RebaLynn1960, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Apr 2012.
Anything your sims may be doing autonomously, will automatically be cancelled without a mod to help them. And of the actions you may have ordered them to do, you only need to cancel the one they're currently doing.
But indeed, if that action includes carrying a baby or toddler, they WILL forget to drop it, and thus take it with them.
The only way I know of to prevent that, is to plan the given actions so that they will NOT be carrying any kids at the moment the bus/carpool pulls up. Or to cancel their actions - including the order to get in the car/bus -, order them to put the kid down, and then order them to go to work/school.
The kind of mod you're actually asking for, would need to check for each sim if they're doing anything that involves carrying a child, and then insert an extra command in the queue for them to drop that kid, before the order to get on the bus/in the car. If anything, this will be very hard to do. I'll put it on my list, Becca, but I advise you NOT to hold your breath, because it may take a long while before I've figured this one out.
But indeed, if that action includes carrying a baby or toddler, they WILL forget to drop it, and thus take it with them.
The only way I know of to prevent that, is to plan the given actions so that they will NOT be carrying any kids at the moment the bus/carpool pulls up. Or to cancel their actions - including the order to get in the car/bus -, order them to put the kid down, and then order them to go to work/school.
The kind of mod you're actually asking for, would need to check for each sim if they're doing anything that involves carrying a child, and then insert an extra command in the queue for them to drop that kid, before the order to get on the bus/in the car. If anything, this will be very hard to do. I'll put it on my list, Becca, but I advise you NOT to hold your breath, because it may take a long while before I've figured this one out.
If it's to much trouble, then don't bother. However, I did warn you I am full of ideas

RebaLynn1960, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Apr 2012.