Finally! I'm home from Jail?!
#1 05-08-2012 
Well guys, I went to jail for 9 days. Which is why I've been away for so long. I'm so glad to be back. I had no way of contacting anyone, but thankfully my rent was paid as well as my phone bill for the month. What I did was I had some outstanding traffic tickets from when I drove in 2004 that I never paid. My bond was $4,000 or if I went with a bonding company it would have been $400 and neither I, nor anyone I know was able to pay that kind of money. I went to jail in the middle of the night. Stayed in a little room all night long with no air conditioner and it was very hot. The food was horrible, the first 4 days I was in a cell with 4 other men using the toilet in front of everyone with no air conditioner, so they moved all 5 of us to a cell on the 4th day to one with air while they were getting the air fixed on the other one, then they moved us back to the cell with air after they got it fixed. I had to sleep on a thin mat on a hard linoleum floor (very uncomfortable) it was all just very upsetting, but now I'm finally free, and don't have to look over my shoulder all the time wondering about the traffic ticket warrants and the worry of being thrown in jail. I don't ever intend to go back again. I hope to be creating again soon, will probably need some counseling this was very traumatic for me and my whole family. But I'm just so glad to be home, free drinking a cold cola, and smoking cigarettes (which don't taste the same). Just thought I'd fill you in on my absence and what I went through and that I'm just so thrilled and thankful to God to be FREE! Now I want to tell you if ANY of you have outstanding tickets, or get a ticket, be sure to pay them! You don't want to end up like I did. Thankfully, hopefully all is back to normal now.

#2 05-08-2012 
Geez, that's most certainly not a Dutch prison you were in! Such horrible jail conditions for just some traffic tickets...

Anyway... I'm just glad you've survived this ordeal. Welcome back home, Jon!

#3 05-08-2012 
Unfortunately, in America everyone goes to the same jail for every crime. People with higher offenses such as rape or murder are held in jail for a very long time, until they are sent to prison.

#4 05-08-2012 
Gosh Jon, how awful. I am glad you are back home and safe and I hope you will be able to put this terrible experience behind you.
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#5 05-08-2012 
Over here, in the Netherlands, we send people to the same facilities too, regardless of what they're in for (except some very bad cases, which end up in very high security locations).

There are hardworking, dead-honest people here who live in worse conditions than many of our prisoners. The latter have their own cells (no sharing), TV, computers, cable, the works... as if they're privileged dignitaries on vacation. It's really ridiculous.

#6 06-08-2012 
Oh dear... when I first saw the title I only saw the "J" so I thought the title was "Finally home from Japan!" which I was interested in hearing about. Poor Jon that is absolutely horrible treatment for such a minor thing.

PS thanks for updating the link for "The Sims 2 - The Sun" over on your site, I appreciate it!
[Image: sig55.jpg]

#7 13-08-2012 
Xander - I saw Ja - and thought he was home from Jamaica!

(((hugs))) Jon - that sounds so terrible. So glad you are home now.

#8 13-08-2012 
Japan? Jamaica? Huh. I thought it was gonna be Jazz class. Smile

As someone who's been there (and it was unpaid tickets, too) .. I know you're very happy to be back home now.


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