Fixing a mod of the Debug Hug
#131 10-08-2013 
Big Grin

I don't know what everyone else does..but if its a dead site, and the creator doesn't have a policy up anywhere..i would put it up, include it, whatever..stating that if the creator contacts you saying its a no no, you'll respect it. I don't know how MTS2 feels about this though...

#132 10-08-2013 
Pretty much that Dominie. It is nice to upload to the Graveyard though. People look there you see.

#133 10-08-2013 
I'm still hoping the person I pm'd over on mts will reply and say she is the creator. I was reading a thread on another board when I was looking around which said many of the sapphire sims creators didn't get their work before it shut. I'll wait a few days before contacting the graveyard.

#134 11-08-2013 
Here are the three council houses. I didn't play the family that comes with AGS this time, I just loaded up each house and saved. If these are clean I will assume all future lots are clean.

#135 11-08-2013 
okay..will check them out shortly here. Smile

#136 11-08-2013 
I see you have the title of 'Lot Fixer' now Dominie. Big Grin

#137 11-08-2013 
LOL..yeah, I noticed. Smile're doing great. All three lots passed the test. Big Grin

They are really nice starters..i like them alot...going to keep them, lol.

#138 11-08-2013 
I just breathed a big sigh of relief! Even after the Water park came back clean I thought residential might be different.

Big Grin I use them myself. Gives a CAS sim enough cash to spare to open a little business if they want and isn't quite so daunting with no 20K handout for a sim to save up for.

*Sends Dominie a big bunch of internet flowers* [Image: flowersforyou_zpsc43a2877.jpg]

#139 11-08-2013 
awww...ty! Big Grin

#140 12-08-2013 
Dominie I tried to send this as a pm but your box is full.

Sorry to have to ask you to do another lot but I'm hoping you could clean the shopping centre as I am having a problem with the windows. If I package it they will package up red and they are supposed to be white. Can you let me know if they show up white for you when you load the lot.

Looks like I will have to delete and reinstall CEP into my AGS to fix that window issue. It's messed my Lego houses up too. At least I know now it's EA's mess and not mine.
(This post was last modified: 12-08-2013 05:18 AM by joandsarah.)


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