• Gym Shorts and Tees - 18 Colour Combos
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sims2 #1
Keep your boys cool, comfy, and cute in these gym shorts with tees. They're recolours of a FreeTime pre-order bonus item, but FreeTime is NOT required. The mesh is included for those who never got the original bonus item.

There are 18 colours in all - 3 shorts colours paired with 6 top colours. Clearly named so you can just keep the ones you want.

Full Body - Athletic Only - Adult/Young Adult

Special thanks to Lee for the inspiration!

[The same tees as separate tops are available here and here. The same tees paired with long PJ pants are available here and here. (Pale blue coming soon.)]
x 30

CREDIT and LINK if you use my stuff.

Mesh and texture edits (aka recolours) are welcome.

You may include my meshes with your recolours.

You may include my content with your own packaged Sims and Lots.

Please do not redistribute my original files in any other way.

Please do not redistribute my sims or altered versions of them.

Please do not post any part of my work on any paysite, including TSR (The Sims Resource).

Have fun!

Gym Shorts and Tees - 18 Colour Combos Screenshot Gym Shorts and Tees - 18 Colour Combos Screenshot Gym Shorts and Tees - 18 Colour Combos Screenshot Gym Shorts and Tees - 18 Colour Combos Screenshot      
Download link
Filesize 4.98 MB | File Name FT Bonus Gym Shorts + Tees -- 18 Colours + MESH [fanseelamb].rar | # of Downloads 6,802  
#2 18-08-2013
Downloaded. Installed. Ready for use in the morning. Smile

* mustluvcatz notes that she managed to sound very cool and laid back

#3 18-08-2013
They look GREAT Big Grin

I cannot wait to get all my athletic sims in these. Thank you.

#4 18-08-2013
Yah a million times! I have so needed some real male athletic.

While Jo sounds like the excited child that she is and can't do cool red text.


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