#1 28-10-2013 
It's that time of the year again! Any other fishies trying to write a 50k novel in a month? If you've never heard of it before, go check it out here!
Klaartje, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Sep 2013.

#2 28-10-2013 
Actually, I'm thinking about it. I haven't got a plot yet - but I thought I'd write because I've actually got the time to be able to do it now.

#3 28-10-2013 
Yay! Haven't got a plot yet either, but hey, we still have four days. Whoops, didn't realize I would have to start this friday. Using Klaartje68 as a username, in case you want to find me Smile

#4 28-10-2013 
While I do have something I'm writing (that's going to be a Sim story when it grows up - and no, it's actually not Star Trek-based for once Wink) that's coming along at a decent pace, stress is not good for me, so I'm not going to participate. I'll just sit over here and cheer the rest of you on. Smile

#5 28-10-2013 
celebkiriedhel is my username everywhere. Nix - cheering us on will be a good thing. Big Grin

#6 29-10-2013 
Yes please to cheering us on Smile Need a lot of cheering to keep sane during November!

#7 29-10-2013 
I did it about 4 years ago and actually completed it on time, before I always entered but fell short a couple thousand. My last story was poorly written, but I still really love the idea of it, and one day may actually try developing it into a real novella. Nanowrimo had always been one of my *must do* events every year; however, I changed jobs, and unfortunately my birthday month and November are the busiest and most stressful months of the year at my current job. Ironically, I have a super long vacation immediately after both months, but I can still never participate in Nanowrimo *or* celebrate my birthday proper. Maybe I should have an un-nanowrimo month, so I can be creative again! Best of luck to you~✰ I hope you'll share your count status and favorite excerpts if you do attempt it.

#8 29-10-2013 
I'm sorry you don't have time to join us nanashi, well done on completing one four years ago! I managed to complete one the first time I joined, which was two years ago, but dropped out after 15.000 words last year. I believe they have a script-writing run in February, so you could try and join that but just write something else Wink We - or at least I - will keep you updated with the count, need to find a nifty way to do that without spamming this thread everyday... Excerpts maybe, I'm writing in Dutch because it's quicker, so might do a little translation every now and then. And as a first update: I have a title and theme! Now onto characters and plot.

#9 30-10-2013 
Pep Talk - Rainbow Rowell

I have one of her books - so it is so cool!

Klaartje? Title and theme? Please!

I'm still umming and ahhing - but I think I'm going to go with "Vegetarians Anonymous" which is an urban fantasy/drama.

Here's my Profile for the looking at of...

Celebkiriedhel Nanowrimo Profile
(This post was last modified: 30-10-2013 04:33 AM by celebkiriedhel.)

#10 30-10-2013 
I like your title! Big Grin My theme: lonely people. My title: "Loneliness' things", which will be literary fiction. As for characters and plot? Nothing yet... Two more days!


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