sims2 #1
Requested by Nanashi - a variation of the BaseGame Value Door - it is repository linked to the Value Door (and so will use all recolours of that door) with the Hotel door handle as a recolourable subset.

Polycounts, prices etc(Click to View)

[Image: thumb160x120]
Lots more recolors

Picture Credits: Thanks to Karen Lorraine for the red rug in the red doors picture.
x 19

Please do:
  • Include my objects in your lots
  • Use the objects etc in pictures/machinima/stories
  • Let me know if you recolour one of my items so I can post a link in the upload thread.
Please don't:
  • Share the files as downloads
  • Include my meshes with your recolours unless you ask me first.

You can ask me HERE

Keycard Door Screenshot Keycard Door Screenshot Keycard Door Screenshot        
Download link
Filesize 50.04 KB | File Name KeycardDoorbyLeefish.rar | # of Downloads 2,136  
#2 08-01-2014
Aw Lee, you just made my day Smile

The doors are nice too

#3 08-01-2014
This looks great, lee! How nice of you to make it as a request. It will indeed make for a great "faux hotel" type of lot. Thank you!

#4 08-01-2014
Awesome recolours Big Grin


Sorry, that is a members only option