• Scuba Gifts for Jo, Part II: Blacksmith's Anvil and Default Replacement Bots
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sims2 #1
It's Hammer Time!
[Image: thumb640x480]

My scubee was Jo, and much to my delight one of the things she wished for was a blacksmith's crafting station for her medieval game. So I extracted the blacksmith's anvil from TSM, tweaked the textures some, and turned it into a crafting station anvil where your medieval smiths can make... robots? Huh Yeah, that didn't make much sense to me, either - so I threw in some period-appropriate default replacements for the bots.

The anvil can be found in Hobbies -> Misc. for $1100. It has three recolours for the anvil itself and five for the water barrel.

As your blacksmith sets about his crafting, the water in the barrel will begin to bubble and a piece of metal will magically appear to be placed on the anvil by... a butterfly. Because everybody knows how strong butterflies were in medieval times. Tongue

[Image: thumb640x480]

Also, your smith won't be using a spanner and a screwdriver when making his item, but a mallet and a tong (also extracted from TSM). It seemed more appropriate for a blacksmith, not to mention less present day.

But what is he making? Well, like I said I've made default replacements for all the bots (again extracted from TSM) to make them more period-appropriate. So:

The toy robot is now a toy knight
The HydroBot has become an Ambling Water Bucket
The CleanBot is a Floating Broom
The SentryBot is a Soaring Sword
And the MunchieBot has turned into a Flying Cooking Pot.

I've also thrown in a bonus default replacement screwdriver for your Sims to use when repairing or tinkering - it's now a tong instead (the same kind the smith uses for crafting).

Poly Counts:
Blacksmith's anvil: 819 polys (on two tiles)
Mallet: 68 polys
Tong: 224 polys

Toy knight: 503 polys
Water bucket: 510 polys
Broom: 396 polys
Sword: 430 polys
Cooking pot: 400 polys
Base stations: 48 polys

Note: The bots' base stations are invisible - and I do mean invisible, they don't even have a sun shadow - so you'll need to take note of where you put them if you want to move them around. But in case you forget where they are, the tile directly beneath the bot is always a safe bet. Wink

Known Issues
If you tell your Sim to start making a bot, and then cancel it from the queue before the material has spawned, the bubbles will begin to bubble and won't stop until you make another bot (or at least allow the material to spawn before cancelling the action). I tried everything I could think of to fix this, to no avail, so for you indecisive impatient types there is a menu option to "remove stuck bubbles" in case this happens. (Note that this menu option will show even if there aren't any stuck bubbles to remove.)

Also - and this isn't so much an issue as it is an annoyance - everything still has the original sounds, so things are whirring and clicking and humming in a very non-medieval way. I couldn't do anything about this, sorry. (Yes, I do know how to remove the sound from an animation, but to be able to do that I have to find the sound first, and I couldn't this time.)

Happy Simming! Big Grin
x 12

With credit and a link, please DO:

- make recolours of my meshes and redistribute the meshes together with your recolours

- include my Bodyshop items with your Sims and my objects with your lots

- use my creations in screenshots, movies or stories; credit is appreciated, but in no way required

But please DON'T:

- take my work and claim it as your own

- upload my work as-is on any website or forum

- use my textures as a base for your recolours

- upload my work on pay/donation sites or to The Sims Resource - yes, that's even though TSR are supposed to be "nice" these days.

- alter or convert my meshes without permission

Thank you for downloading, and Happy Simming!

Scuba Gifts for Jo, Part II: Blacksmith's Anvil and Default Replacement Bots Screenshot Scuba Gifts for Jo, Part II: Blacksmith's Anvil and Default Replacement Bots Screenshot Scuba Gifts for Jo, Part II: Blacksmith's Anvil and Default Replacement Bots Screenshot Scuba Gifts for Jo, Part II: Blacksmith's Anvil and Default Replacement Bots Screenshot Scuba Gifts for Jo, Part II: Blacksmith's Anvil and Default Replacement Bots Screenshot Scuba Gifts for Jo, Part II: Blacksmith's Anvil and Default Replacement Bots Screenshot Scuba Gifts for Jo, Part II: Blacksmith's Anvil and Default Replacement Bots Screenshot Scuba Gifts for Jo, Part II: Blacksmith's Anvil and Default Replacement Bots Screenshot
Download link
Filesize 612.18 KB | File Name BlacksmithsAnvilForJo.zip | # of Downloads 271  
Filesize 1.28 MB | File Name DefaultReplacementBots.zip | # of Downloads 184  
#2 31-05-2014
So cool. My game is far from medieval but some lucky sim is gonna get this anyway, dangit! Thank you! Big Grin

#3 31-05-2014
Oh how cool is that!

#4 31-05-2014
These are supremely awesome! Smile


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