sims2 #1
Finally... here is part one of my scuba gift to Laura.

In my frantic search for "Ack! What can I make?" and "What in the world is minimalism?"
*me/sitting amongst my gilded rococo peacocks* Rolleyes
I thought - maybe minimalism has a sense of peace and tranquility to it...
And I remembered seeing a beautiful picture of a pier on Etsy the other day.

So, I looked up Raceytay Photography on Etsy and asked her if I could 'Sim' some of her gorgeous photographs for my pixel dollies.
(She had no idea what I was talking about, so I sent her a mock-up picture etc. - I think we may have a new Sims convert in our midst! LOL!)
Anywho... She gave her permission; and these are her pictures. I only put them on EAxis' CStroke painting mesh.

[Image: thumb640x480]

If you'd like to see more of her work - and possibly buy a print for your own home - here's her linksie:

I hope your pixel dollies like these! Part two of my scuba gift will have a few more pictures (not by Raceytay) and parts three and four will be wallpapers. Part five will be the house I made to 'wrap' up all the gifties.
x 6

Do what'cha like - just keep 'em FREE ;)

SCUBA gift for Oeselian Screenshot SCUBA gift for Oeselian Screenshot SCUBA gift for Oeselian Screenshot SCUBA gift for Oeselian Screenshot      
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#2 06-06-2014
Very pretty Cat, all of them have quite a calming effect.

#3 06-06-2014
They're gorgeous, thank you for sharing

#4 06-06-2014
They're beautiful, Catherine! I envy my Sims who get to have these in their homes. Smile The pier and the misty lakes are my favourites, I think.

I looked at her Etsy shop, and wow! She really has some gorgeous photos there. If I weren't on such a tight budget, I'd definitely buy something from her. (I mean, just look at this picture! I love it! Big Grin)


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