sims2 #1
Handcrafted Paper - Wallpaper Panels

...another part of Oeselian's SCUBA gift
(s-l-o-w is my MO it seems *sigh*) Blush
[Image: thumb640x480]

There are 6 panels all together: Scarlet, Gold, Olive, Dove, Brown, and Multi-stripe. Each panel of paper is meticulously handmade, so no two panels are exactly the same (well, per color anyway Wink - there is only one panel for each color) The wood framing is designed to look best in a modern, or craftsman, or Japanese style build.

I found the textures somewhere on the web - I wouldn't have 'borrowed' them if the were copyright protected; but, right now I can't find their actual source (I hope that's OK???)

x 14

Do what'cha like - just keep 'em FREE ;)

Handcrafted Paper Wallpaper Panels Screenshot Handcrafted Paper Wallpaper Panels Screenshot Handcrafted Paper Wallpaper Panels Screenshot Handcrafted Paper Wallpaper Panels Screenshot Handcrafted Paper Wallpaper Panels Screenshot Handcrafted Paper Wallpaper Panels Screenshot Handcrafted Paper Wallpaper Panels Screenshot  
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Filesize 336.66 KB | File Name | # of Downloads 294  
#2 07-07-2014
Such pretty wallpapers Cat!

#3 07-07-2014
These are indeed really lovely. Thank you.

#4 07-07-2014
Very pretty, Cat, thank you


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