• Happy Birthday NixNivis!
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Happy Birthday Nix!

I hope you are having a wonderful day! I had a peek in the Secret Scuba thread for inspiration and I noticed you like clutter. So I went of to TS4 to see if I could find some nice meshes and I found these lovely pots. Apparently the left one is a coffeepot and the right one a teapot, but I'm sure they don't mind if you put tea in the coffeepot or the other way around.

The fun stuff:
Catalog location: Decorative > Sculptures
Catalog price: §75
Polycount Teapot: 382
Polycount Coffeepot: 308
x 19

You may do whatever you want as long as you credit me with a link and don't make any money from it.
Please do not convert anything from TS2 to TS3 because I might want to do that myself some time.

Happy Birthday NixNivis! Screenshot Happy Birthday NixNivis! Screenshot          
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#2 28-02-2015
Happy birthday, @NixNivis!

@Klaartje, the left one is the coffeepot indeed, and the right is the teapot.

Making both in the same pot was common among the not-so-wealthy (though not at the same time, of course Smile), because they could not afford two pots. In that case, they would most often only have the simple straightforward coffeepot.

Those that could afford both, would be horrified to drink tea from a coffeepot, though, because that influenced the taste of the tea, and not in a positive sense.

#3 28-02-2015
Aww, Klaartje, thank you! Heart I love them! I'm not a coffee drinker, so I'll be putting tea in both, though. Lots and lots of tea. Wink

#4 28-02-2015
Happy Birthday, Nix Big Grin

They look great, Klaartje!


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