About to give up
#51 10-01-2016 
Thinking of you Joni and sending lots of good thoughts your way! xxx

#52 11-01-2016 
* NixNivis hugs Joni very, very tightly

* NixNivis notices Joni's going blue in the face, and hugs her a little less tightly. But just a little

#53 12-01-2016 
Thoughts and prayers going your way Jones. (hugs)

#54 20-01-2016 
Just keep the good thoughts and what not coming.


#55 21-01-2016 
As long as "good thoughts and what not are free", you got it Jones! Smile

Seriously though. I've been in the same boat as you more than once the last few years or so and it sucks. I made a decision that changed my life more than I counted on and there are times I wish I could take it all back. Since the change was definitely for the best (removed an extremely toxic person from our lives) I don't *really*wish I could take it all back.. but damn. At least I didn't have to scrounge to be able to get what we needed. Now? I've managed to scrape up $16 and am trying to figure out how to get cat food, toilet paper, ibuprofen and gas for the van out of that to last until I actually have money again. It sucks, there's no easy fix, nobody can just snap their fingers or twitch their nose and make it all better for you, me or anyone else. BUT like I said, as long as good thoughts and what not are free..

* mustluvcatz sends good thoughts and what not to everyone.. not just Jones.. oh, and *hugs* too


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