Sanitary Sanity Mod Edit
#1 03-10-2015 
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Hey BO! Just joined in the Leefish forum to request this Big Grin I like your Sanitary Sanity Mod, but I was wishing for a different version of the mod, namely one that doesn't prevent peeing standing for males (because I find it quirky) and that forces sims of 5-6 or greater neat points to wash their hands. I like my sloppy sims to stay disgusting, see. But I'd like to see my neat freaks washing their hands!

I opened the file in simpe to see if I could edit it myself to suit my tastes, but being a noob when it comes to BHAVs, the mod stared at me and I stared back, of course Sad If it's possible for you to do this for me I'd greatly appreciate it!

#2 03-10-2015 
Hi @redsims,

Maybe it *is* possible to do a little rewrite. But let me explain something first. There is a *reason* why I made my mod such that men sit down. I often use a specific custom coffee maker, and when sims have drunk a mug of its coffee, their arm gets frozen in an odd position that is not easy to fix. But when they sit down on the toilet - which they often need to do, after drinking coffee - their arm gets fixed automagically. If you do not want that behavior, you could just visit Simbology and pick up TwoJeffs' "Always Flush Toilets/Wash Hands Fix" on this page.

And what do you call sloppy? Sims of 3 or less neatness already forget to wash their hands even with my mod (or TJ's), and that is not enough? Well, I think that should not be hard to fix... Maybe I could kill two birds with one stone: a special new version where people can *choose* at which level their sims wash up, at what level they flush, and whether or not they sit down... Tongue At least, I'll look into it, see if I can do that, just for you! Big Grin

#3 04-10-2015 
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Thank you so much for considering! I know that this is nitpicky request, so I apologize in advance, lol. I think of <5 neat points as sloppy and >6 as neat, and usually find sloppy sims hilarious, so a sim with 4 or something wouldn't flush in my head, lol Big Grin

Maybe TwoJeff's Always Flush/Wash Hands could just be edited to make sims with 6 or more points wash/flush? That would be simpler for you to do, methinks. Again, thank you. I feel a little spoiled that you'd do it just for me Tongue

#4 04-10-2015 
Nah, once I get started, I could just as well put in all the whistles and bells, all the trimmings and a lousy T-shirt. Just to make sure that everyone can make of it what they want, and I don't need to make a dozen different versions Tongue

#5 04-10-2015 
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That would also be great! Thanks Big Grin


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