Sims 2 UC crashes after 1 hour - Windows 10
#1 01-06-2016 
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Hi everyone! I've been a lurker for years and you guys have helped me through so many problems, I hope you can help with this one too. It's not really a big one, I should count my blessings because at least the game is finally working, but it's still really annoying because as soon as I get really into the game, it's gone!

So! I'm running Ultimate Collection on Windows 10, have followed all the advice here about the graphics cards, downloaded the files which got the game to finally work, and it has minimum lag, great graphics etc. But for some reason almost every time I play it will crash after 1 / 1.5 hour, saying the usual "the application has crashed".

I have a pretty big download folder so at first I thought that was the problem but when I tried playing without mods and cc nothing changed. Then I found this thread here and I think maybe I have the same problem as the poster but I'm not really sure. I would be really grateful for any help you can give me, thanks!

Attached File(s)
.txt  GERARD-config-log.txt (Size: 10.44 KB / Downloads: 623)
(This post was last modified: 01-06-2016 03:11 PM by yakum.)

#2 02-06-2016 

Your problem is not the same as their problem - your video card is defined to the game ok. You don't have anti-alias set, which suggests you are using the wrong version of the graphic rules though.

This is the graphic rules.sgr that you need.
Download Graphic Rules - Intel

You will need to unzip it into the following 2 folders:

\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Fun with Pets\SP9\TSData\Res\Config\
\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Fun with Pets\SP9\TSData\Res\CsConfig\

In the meantime - if you could have a look in the following folder :
My Documents\The Sims 2\Logs\

for a file in this shape -


where is the date backwards, and is the time in hours, minutes, seconds
and post it up for me - I'll be able to tell if you're having a CC related crash or not.
If you have a few of them, then upload the most recent one.

#3 02-06-2016 
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Thanks so much for your help Kiri! I unzipped the files, I have a torrented version of the UC and no Fun with Pets existed so I put them in Mansion and Garden, I hope that's right. Here's the most recent exception file, I also found a file called TextureErrors, I remember from other threads that's an Intel problem, but the file is blank. Mentioning it just in case.

Attached File(s)
.txt  Sims2Exception 2016.06.01 02.56.01.txt (Size: 13.98 KB / Downloads: 569)
(This post was last modified: 02-06-2016 02:59 PM by yakum.)

#4 05-06-2016 

I'm not able to fix torrented versions. Not because it's illegal, but because it doesn't work like a bought one and I don't know what changes they've made to make it so. The Graphic Rules I linked you to in the 2nd post should have fixed your problem. However, because you don't have the correct folders - I can't be sure that it will and I have no idea to fix it because of the changes it has in it.

#5 05-06-2016 
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Oh ok I understand, thanks anyway! I'll try it with the new graphic rules. One last thing, is it possible to tell if the crashes are cc related or not?

#6 05-06-2016 
Sure! If you take out all the CC, and there are no more crashes, then some of the CC must be responsible. Then it's your job to figure out which CC it is that causes the problem.

#7 05-06-2016 
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Hi Bo! Love your mods. Thanks for the reply but I meant if Kiri (or anyone who has more knowledge about it than I do) could tell if the crashes were cc caused by looking at the exception file like she mentioned.

#8 05-06-2016 
Ofcourse you did! My point is, if you had moved your Downloads folder to the desktop, and started the game to see what would happen, it would have taken you less than two hours to find out for yourself. You would ALREADY have the answer right now. If you wait for any of us to find out (some of us have real lives with problems of their own, and we don't all live in the same area, so the right person might not see your question for several hours or days) then it might take a few days for you to get your answer.

But I understand why you asked: after all, why would you do any hard work, if you can get others to do the hard part for you, right?

#9 05-06-2016 
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I have no problem doing the "hard work", I very clearly mention in my first post that I did try playing without cc and the game still crashed. The only difference is that it crashes faster when the cc is on. Since I don't know if the current crashes are caused by the size of my download folder, by the cc I've downloaded in the meantime or by the graphic rules problem and since Kiri offered to look at the exception file and tell me, I thought I'd ask.

#10 06-06-2016 
What you mentioned in your first post, may not have been accurate anymore after you made some changes following Kiri's recommendations. So how is anyone to know that the crashes still occur at this moment with or without CC, if you don't say so specifically?

Anyway, if your game still crashes even without any CC, it should be obvious that CC isn't the cause of the crashes; it merely accelerates it a bit. Which seems to suggest that even without CC your system has a problem with the work load. Perhaps not enough RAM, or too slow a processor, or some other hardware issue that creates a bottleneck. Or maybe it's just that W10 puts too much of a strain on your system...


Before you post requesting help
Information we need

  1. The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
  2. Your operating System.
  3. What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.

Sorry, that is a members only option