Ultimate Collection - Random Crashes.
#1 08-07-2016 
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For a long time I'm suffering with this problem and I can't play normally, because after 20-30 minutes of gameplay, Sims 2 crash to desktop with window -
"Application has crashed. Application will now terminate". I'm not sure what's the problem here - any Graphic problems or CC... Thanks in advance.

EDIT: I have Windows 10.

Here is my -config-log.txt

Attached File(s)
.txt  ADDIE-config-log.txt (Size: 10.23 KB / Downloads: 492)
(This post was last modified: 08-07-2016 06:29 PM by QueenSasha.)

#2 11-07-2016 

Hi. Looking at your config-log.txt - your graphics card setup looks fine.

With Windows 10, it still could be the updates to the NVidia card - but it is much more likely that it is some CC.

If you look in your log folder where you got your config-log.txt, do you have a text file that looks like:

Sims2Exception 2016.05.01 16.02.37.txt

Where the numbers are the date and time. If you do, could you upload it? Sometimes it's possible to see which CC it is from that.

What we need to do with your crashing, is determine if it happens at the same place each time or if it's a random place.

Are you accessing the catalog when it crashes? Are you entering a particular lot? or Clicking on a Sim?

#3 11-07-2016 
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Hi. I checked the folder and I have a bunch of these text files and I don't know if I have to upload them all. If it's necessary let me know.

It crashes more likely in community lots - not exactly in specific one. Rarely when I'm playing in my sims household, but sometimes when I'm building or decorating the house. I can easily say it's crashing everywhere expect CAS.

Attached File(s)
.txt  Sims2Exception 2016.07.08 14.47.06.txt (Size: 12.94 KB / Downloads: 547)

#4 17-07-2016 
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I am really sorry for having troubled you, but sth can be done with these crashes?

#5 17-07-2016 

Looking at the exception - it's not narrowed down the CC that's the problem.

Unfortunately, this problem is outside of my expertise. If you go to MTS and ask, there will be people there that will be able to help.
You can tell them that the graphics is set up fine.


Before you post requesting help
Information we need

  1. The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
  2. Your operating System.
  3. What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.

Sorry, that is a members only option