Sims 2 Ultimate Collection performance (W10, laptop)
#1 18-08-2016 
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Hello. I downloaded the complete edition from Origin and it runs horrible. Max settings, 1920x1080 (had to edit a file to get that res).

Here is what i wrote on another forum hopefully you guys can help me.

i downloaded The Sims 2 Complete Collection from Origin and i am having a really bad performance. It should work flawlessly and it doesn't. I get drops to 15 fps, when zooming in/out, when i use the game speed button it stutters, really bad. I heard this is because the game is too old, but is there any way to make it run better?

max settings 1920x1080 except for shadow details (at medium to avoid a black square bug)

When in build mode or in Create a Sim, when i click a category it freezes to load the objects and then continues.

Just wondering if you had any idea. Already trid High Performance mode, choose TS2 to run at max performance, tried disabling the cpu cores except for one as suggested by someone and nothing helps.

Laptop specs

i7 6700HQ
960M 4GB GDDR5

Sorry i dont have the file attached, i am not at home. Will post it in 1~hr

Windows 10 64bits

-- File added.

I tried doing that thing about CPU set to 1 or 2 but i got this error:

Direct3D has given this error: E_INVALIDARG! the app will close

-- i've heard that deleting the securom should fix it. how do i do that?

Attached File(s)
.txt  DESKTOP-PT42B0J-config-log.txt (Size: 10.34 KB / Downloads: 534)
(This post was last modified: 18-08-2016 08:18 AM by Xterno50.)

#2 21-08-2016 
There are a number of things you can do to fix the lag. See this post:

FAQ LAG Issues - Possible Solutions

I'm currently not well, so not able to do a lot of help at the moment, so try those things first.

#3 21-08-2016 
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Thanks for the reply. I have already tried those, but nothing worked. I think disabling the securom and using a no-cd helped in the loading of thumbnails in create a sim, building mode, etc, but the rest did'nt. I tried changing the afinity to 1 CPU and didn't notice a difference. Tried setting the target to start with 1 cpu but the app crashes as i mention in my first post.

Hope you get well soon.

#4 22-08-2016 
(18-08-2016 04:48 AM)Xterno50 Wrote:  Hello. I downloaded the complete edition from Origin and it runs horrible. Max settings, 1920x1080 (had to edit a file to get that res).

Here is what i wrote on another forum hopefully you guys can help me.

i downloaded The Sims 2 Complete Collection from Origin and i am having a really bad performance. It should work flawlessly and it doesn't. I get drops to 15 fps, when zooming in/out, when i use the game speed button it stutters, really bad. I heard this is because the game is too old, but is there any way to make it run better?

max settings 1920x1080 except for shadow details (at medium to avoid a black square bug)

When in build mode or in Create a Sim, when i click a category it freezes to load the objects and then continues.

Just wondering if you had any idea. Already trid High Performance mode, choose TS2 to run at max performance, tried disabling the cpu cores except for one as suggested by someone and nothing helps.

Laptop specs

i7 6700HQ
960M 4GB GDDR5

Sorry i dont have the file attached, i am not at home. Will post it in 1~hr

Windows 10 64bits

-- File added.

I tried doing that thing about CPU set to 1 or 2 but i got this error:

Direct3D has given this error: E_INVALIDARG! the app will close

-- i've heard that deleting the securom should fix it. how do i do that?
Celebkiriedhel will certainly advise you better than I, but even with her advice, I still had an issue recently. Even though her advice straightened up most of the issues, stuttering persisted. My fix? I upgraded to a 7200rpm HDD. You very well may have HDD issues. Even new HDDs can be defective. Download some HDD testing software and run it *IF* Celebkiriedhel's advice doesn't completely clear it up.

At least on two occasions I've experienced, where Sims wasn't running right, the issue was hardware related.

Just Sayin'.


Before you post requesting help
Information we need

  1. The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
  2. Your operating System.
  3. What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.

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