Install Sims2 on Windows 10
#1 24-09-2016 
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Hoping to get some sims 2 help. I currently play sims 3 on and off, but sims 2 is my favorite. Unfortunately I bought a new pc with windows 10 and it won't even let me open sims 2 (I get a "This application is not compatible" error). Not sure what to do as the pc came with 10 pre-installed. I'm very sad.

#2 24-09-2016 
Hiya NazzyStar, welcome to leefish!

If you're installing from CDs/DVDs, you need to follow the steps outlined here. The title says it's for Windows 8 but it does indeed work for Windows 10 - I've unfortunately had to do it several times myself so can confirm that. And don't worry, it's not as difficult as it looks at first glance. Just follow the steps carefully and you'll be ok. (Especially the step about the chocolate.)

#3 24-09-2016 
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Hi there and thank you wish me luck, I will try this. I was sad because I'd been so excited to use my new gaming pc for sl and sims 2 and then I found out that win 10 blocked a lot of older apps. I thought I was going to have to try and downgrade this one to win 7 or something, but hopefully these steps can help. Thank you again.

#4 24-09-2016 
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Update: I tried using the directions, set everything to xp sp2, and still it is telling me the program is not compatible so I don't know what else to do.

#5 24-09-2016 
I've never gotten a compatibility error myself with sims 2, but for all my Windows 10 laptops, I had to set compatibility to windows 7 for TS2 (this was to prevent a problem where the neighbourhood wouldn't load in game). Of course, your problem is different in that the game isn't even opening but maybe a different compatibility will work. I'd try them all if I were you, hopefully one will work.

#6 24-09-2016 
Do you have the DVD or the 4 CDs?

#7 24-09-2016 
I have the Ultimate Collection, run it in Compatibility Mode for XP Sevice pack 2, and run as an Administrator. Ginnie

#8 24-09-2016 
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I have the dvd. No matter what compatibility I try it is not working.

#9 24-09-2016 
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Update: I actually got it to run but kept getting a black screen. Does anyone know how to fix the black screen? I have a amd radeon graphics card, 8mb ram.

Attached File(s)
.txt  DESKTOP-2NKKAEB-config-log.txt (Size: 13.5 KB / Downloads: 535)
(This post was last modified: 25-09-2016 04:17 AM by NazzyStar.)

#10 25-09-2016 
Looking at the config log you don't have the video card in the database. You need to look in the stickies to find out how to add the new card to the database.


Before you post requesting help
Information we need

  1. The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
  2. Your operating System.
  3. What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.

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