sims2 #1
[Image: 01-titlecard.jpg]

Jellyfish, jellyfish, jellyfish rock! 
Jellyfish swing and jellyfish ring
Snowin' and blowin' up bushels of fun
Now the jelly hop has begun

Once upon a time...

...a certain Yeti wanted CEPs for Fishmas. SantaFish checked their list twice and saw that Yeti had indeed been nice this year, so SantaFish's little HelperFish hurried to Santa's fishy workshop and got to work.

Now, Yeti had only wished for two CEPs, for the Luxiary King Armchair and the Sofa of Substance, but as HelperFish was hammering away at her workbench, she realised there were several other sofas and living chairs that also only had one subset even though it would have made much more sense with two. And this didn't put HelperFish in a Fishmas spirit at ALL. Sad

So, in addition to the two CEPs Yeti wanted in their stocking, HelperFish made five more: for the Contempto Good Livin' Chair, the Blue Suede Chair and the Glassic Chair, and also for the Satinistics Loveseat and the UNI Wornable Sofa (since that one's basically the same as the Sofa of Substance, only a bit... down on its luck).

But that's not all! When SantaFish saw the CEPs, she remembered that she had some CEPs for the IKEA Karlstad sofa lying around, that she'd made for the very same Yeti. So she threw them into the sack as a bonus gift.

And a very merry Fishmas was had by all! Fishmas

HelperFish is sure you all know how to install CEPs in order to keep things from getting custom stars they shouldn't have, but just in case you've had too much roenog:

Each folder in the .zip file has two subfolders, Documents and ProgramFiles.
  • Move the files in the Documents folder to:
    C:\Users\<username>\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\zCEP-EXTRA
  • Move the files in the ProgramFiles folder to:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\EA GAMES\The Sims 2\TSData\Res\Catalog\zCEP-EXTRA

Herring Fishmas, everyone!
x 32

With credit and a link, please DO:

- make recolours of my meshes and redistribute the meshes together with your recolours

- include my Bodyshop items with your Sims and my objects with your lots

- use my creations in screenshots, movies or stories; credit is appreciated, but in no way required

But please DON'T:

- take my work and claim it as your own

- upload my work as-is on any website or forum

- use my textures as a base for your recolours

- upload my work on pay/donation sites or to The Sims Resource - yes, that's even though TSR are supposed to be "nice" these days.

- alter or convert my meshes without permission

Thank you for downloading, and Happy Simming!

Day 13 Screenshot Day 13 Screenshot Day 13 Screenshot Day 13 Screenshot      
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Filesize 1.05 MB | File Name | # of Downloads 516  
Filesize 346.92 KB | File Name | # of Downloads 468  
#2 13-12-2016
Aaaah!! Celebrate Thank you SantaFish and HelperFish Heart

#3 13-12-2016
Oooooh! ...and a VERY merry fishmas to all! Celebrate Heart Celebrate

Thanksies so much!

#4 13-12-2016
Thank you so much Smile


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