New To Leefish
#1 12-01-2017 
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Hello Everyone,

I am new to Leefish, but not new to the world of forum websites.

I do own a website, the address is in my profile.

I am going to look around for a bit.

I am a computer geek specializing on the computer hardware side. I am retired and enjoy playing golf!

F.Y.I., no, I'm not into SIMS or anything of the sort.

#2 12-01-2017 
Welcome to the pond, I hope you enjoy your time swimming around Smile

NB: Karen is a simmer

#3 12-01-2017 
Hi Serpius!

#4 13-01-2017 
Welcome Serpius Smile

(I'm a MyBBer too)

#5 13-01-2017 
Welcome to here, Serpius.

#6 15-01-2017 
wave G'Day Serpius, welcome to Leefish.


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