Severe Lag.. Windows 10 Nvidia
#1 18-01-2017 
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Kind of my last shot before throwing in the towel... I've recently bought an HP Omen gaming laptop with Windows 10 in the hopes of traveling and playing The Sims 2. I was really looking forward to the convenience compared to my desktop iMac running bootcamp.. but I've run into snags everywhere.

Processor: Intel® Core™ i8-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60Hz 2.59 GHz
Installed memory (RAM): 12.0 GB (11.9 GB usable)
System type: 64-bit Operating System, x64 based processor

I have a dual card set up with an Intel® HD Graphics 530 and a Nvidia GeForce GTX 965m dedicated card and I've already used the texture fixes and the general graphic fixes recommended.. including that program.

My main problem is a constant lag. I have already removed Securom and Origin, use the NO-CD hack. Etc. It'll load normally with 10GB of CC (about the same amount of time as the iMac) and the graphics are fine. My game is just very slow when in live mode. Build mode, neighborhood, everything is generally good.. just whenever I try to play an actual family, it lags so, so badly. It's stuttering.

I can't have 2+ sims live in a house comfortably but I can make one sim, have him travel to a community lot full of CC and sims... and it's like butter. If that makes any sense.

The solutions I've read and tried:

Setting my core to 1 or 2 (setting it to 1 has helped a bit and I've kept the settings)
Graphics and Video card fixes, lowering resolution, shadows, reflections and things: Useshaders false / vsync
Uninstalled Securom and Origin, installing a NO-CD hack
Running TS2 in compatibility mode for Windows XP service pack 3 (service pack 2 isn't an option)
Looking for any updates on windows and/or the drivers - none
Uninstalling most recent updates, trying older ones, reinstalling newer (all using DDU to be totally clean)
Windowed mode - isn't an option on any setting it seems, the screen stays white
DEP and CFF explorer - done..

At this point, I'm leaning towards it being my custom content.. I have 10GB! But, I'd really rather try and check in with someone who may be able to point me in another direction. My iMac loads the game wonderfully and quickly with all of this CC. It's not corrupt or conflicting at all. Is it just too much for the HP Omen? I assumed with the RAM and SSD and things that it would be fine for my games. Definitely disappointed this Christmas if that's not the case.

I'd just love for someone to double check me and maybe check this out, step by step..
Thanks for reading and whenever you get the chance. Much appreciated love for the work you do!

Attached File(s)
.txt  LAPTOP-BSBIAIN6-config-log.txt (Size: 10.29 KB / Downloads: 456)

#2 19-01-2017 

Can you do a dxdiag for me, and upload the results? 10G is a lot of CC, but my first thought is that your texture memory looks a bit small. It's clocking in at 992Mb, and I would have thought you'd have more, with a more recent card.

Also can you check your thumbnails folder in your game. I've just recently discovered that the thumbnails can corrupt and cause texture bloat which *might* be slowing your system down.

#3 19-01-2017 
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Thank you for the swift reply!

I was dabbling around earlier and came across that too! I thought I saved the link to the thread, but you originally recommended that to someone with a similar set up to mine and I went ahead and updated it to my current (6219MB or something along those lines). I set it pretty low with the graphics program to see if something smaller would help (note: it didn't).

So... I've got that updated and though it's fixed a lot of the lag, it's still pretty brutal whenever switching between sims or floor levels.

I went ahead and attached my dxdiag and I've also cleaned out the thumbnails as well.
Everything in my original configuration file is accurate, except for that updated texture memory.

#4 19-01-2017 

I'm still missing the dxdiag.
Also can you do a new config-log.txt with the new settings?

#5 19-01-2017 
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SORRY! I've went ahead and attached both for you.

Attached File(s)
.txt  DxDiagUPDATED.txt (Size: 106.09 KB / Downloads: 633)
.txt  LAPTOP-BSBIAIN6-config-log.txt (Size: 10.29 KB / Downloads: 449)

#6 19-01-2017 

Going through the list of things -
1. Are you running it as adminstrator?
2. Do you have smooth edges set to max?
3. Do you run the game from the shortcut? (You can set it to run as adminstrator and compatibility on the shortcut properties)
4. Are you running it from the shortcut pointing to the launcher or Sims2EP9? (Sims2EP9 is the preferred one)

I'm going to be sitting down and going through your most recent config-log with the graphic rules to see if there's any tweaking I can do to it, especially from the point of view of turning off any limiters. That will take me a couple of days. The dxdiag will give me all the info I need to do a comparison.

In the meantime, do the above 4, if you haven't done them previously. Administrator makes a difference lag-wise, smooth edges to max stops flickering. I don't know what the difference between the shortcut and running it directly from the application is, but it's been noticed that there is a performance difference. I suspect it may be because of the application of compatibility and admin properties, but I don't have anything concrete to go on.

#7 19-01-2017 
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I am running as administrator and I do have my edges set to max. I originally had that problem where I couldn't SAVE with smooth edges maxed, however switching to Windows XP compatibility mode fixed that. All good there, I believe.. I do run the game from the NO-CD shortcut, but I've played around with the shortcut. I don't use the launcher either.

Thanks so much again. Take your time. haha.
Just losing my mind since this things is new and runs Skyrim pretty well.
Super thankful for your tech support.

#8 23-01-2017 
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No more lag!

Playing around with the shaders and boolprop Useshaders has done it! That and my Nvidia card. I'm not exactly sure which was the solution but I'm leaning towards the shaders..

#9 25-01-2017 

What exactly did you do with the useshaders?

Really glad to hear that it's fixed - I'm still struggling trying to find the problem from my end.

#10 29-01-2017 
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Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you. Things are getting a little hectic again. I'm going to attach my new logs when I'm home and take some screenshots of the nvidia settings/other things I played with. Maybe it'll be helpful! Sorry again!
And thank you again!


Before you post requesting help
Information we need

  1. The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
  2. Your operating System.
  3. What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.

Sorry, that is a members only option