installing CEP in Sims2 Super Collection Mac
#1 25-05-2017 
Complete instructions for installing CEP in Sims2 Super Collection Mac

a) _EnableColorOptionsGMND.package:
Place the file "_EnableColorOptionsGMND.package" into your Sims Downloads folder:
~/Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads

b) _EnableColorOptionsMMAT.package:
Open the Applications folder, then RIGHT CLICK The Sims 2, and select "Show package contents"
Navigate then to Contents/Home/TSData/Res/Sims3D/
Place the file "_EnableColorOptionsMMAT.package" in that folder.

c) "Extra" folder:
Open it and you will find 2 subfolders, "MyDocuments" and "ProgramFiles".

c1) Open the "MyDocuments" folder and move the entire "zCEP-EXTRA" subfolder, along with the several files contained in it to:
Applications folder-->TheSims2-->"Show package contents"-->Contents/
c2) Open the "ProgramFiles" folder and move the entire "zCEP-EXTRA" subfolder, along with the several files contained in to:
Applications folder-->TheSims2-->"Show package contents"-->Contents/Home/TSData/Res/CATALOG

CEP works fine as far as I can tell, once it is installed using these instructions

Download the Latest CEP at MTS
lordtyger9, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Oct 2015.


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