No problems at all, just a thank you note.
#1 29-09-2017 
Hi Kiri,

I like to think that I'm not stupid, and that I can figure out most computer related issues myself. However, when I'm totally honest, I'm losing the war with technology. It's changing faster than I can keep up with.
So recently, one of my Radeon HD 6870 cards took the bullet, and I was in need of something new. I got me an ASUS GTX 1050Ti, this time. (nVidia GPU, of course). You can imagine how the game went all kinds of crazy with that.
A quick look at the FAQs in this section, though, taught me how from this --config-log.txt section:

Name (driver):   NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti  <<NOT FOUND IN DATABASE!>>
Chipset:         Vendor: 10de, Device: 1c82, Board: 85d31043, Chipset: 00a1

... I could make this line for Video Cards.sgr:

card 0x1c82 "GeForce GTX 1050 Ti"

... and add it to the nVidia section of that file. Now all I needed was a good Graphics Rules.sgr. After downloading the basic "Graphics Rules - NVIDIA" from your page, I found that the highest available resolution seemed to be 1600x1200 (my system allows 1920x1200), and that I couldn't set Shadows to "High" without getting black boxes under all my sims. However, after simply changing:

setting $High
      uintProp maxResWidth      1600
      uintProp maxResHeight     1200
      uintProp defaultResWidth  1024
      uintProp defaultResHeight 768


setting $High
      uintProp maxResWidth      1920
      uintProp maxResHeight     1200
      uintProp defaultResWidth  1024
      uintProp defaultResHeight 768

... both those problems seem to be solved. Apparently, a Texture Fix version was not required.
So, just some very well-written FAQs and a single file download were all that I needed to help myself and get TS2 running correctly again.
Thank you for the great work that you've done here!

If MOAR things were made this simple on-line, then we probably wouldn't appreciate how special it is what you've done here. So maybe we shouldn't wish for that. Smile

Thanks again!

#2 06-10-2017 

Thanks BO. I appreciate your thanks. I'm so glad that you were able to get your game working. To be honest, I get a real thrill of pleasure when I see a thank you like this. Writing tutorials is something I've always enjoyed. Knowing that they work and have been useful makes me happy. Big Grin

#3 10-10-2017 

Regarding the shadow issue (which went away as part of your fix,) are you aware of the fix over at MTS? I consider it an essential at this point, particularly as I have to move my game from one PC to another from time to time. Not only does it do away with the problem regardless of hardware, it is a more neutral tone rather than being somewhat too blue/purple and is offered in three different opacities to suit your tastes. That is to say, I prefer its shadows over the originals even on rigs that don't have the rectangle issue.
(This post was last modified: 15-10-2017 09:33 AM by rawmilk905.)

#4 14-10-2017 
@rawmilk905 I do recall having seen a reference to that fix here before, somewhere. I did not recall it when I was working on the issue, though. It appears that on my system, the problem went away as soon as the game could use the monitor's native maximum resolution unimpeded.

But, though it appears that my shadows need no more fixing, I think I will need to look at that fix some more soon. Thanks for re-sharing it.

#5 20-05-2018 
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There is also a handy tool that helps you setting card changes and custom resolutions. works like a charm for my 1080p monitor and 1060 6GB, hopefully it'll keep working when i switch resolutions to 2560x1080!

#6 24-12-2018 
@JeromeAugust: I've lowered my resolution from 1920x1080 to 1600x900, because otherwise the UI and notifications got too small to properly read. I don't see why one would go even higher, unless one sits with their nose almost buried in their monitor.

And the Graphics Rules Maker, for all its ingenuity, is not always as practical as it seems. True, a lot of people seem to be able to work it well. But equally many people appear to have great trouble getting a usable Graphics Rules.sgr file out of it. So I'll just use the computer that Evolution has seen fit to provide me with (the grey matter betwixt my ears), and a good, solid text editor!

@rawmilk905 apparently, at some point, that mod was exactly what I needed. Of course, at that time I didn't remember where it was, and where I had heard about it before. But fortunately, @leefish could point it out to me. And it even seems that @celebkiriedhel has mentioned it in one of her FAQ posts. Anyway, thank you!


Before you post requesting help
Information we need

  1. The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
  2. Your operating System.
  3. What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.

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