SIMS 2 UC Crashing
#1 16-01-2018 
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Hello guys!

So i have a big issue, after playing for few minutes my game crashes.

Everything was working good.. Untill i updated my windows.
windows 10 anniversary update (v1607): On this patch and earlier was fine, now i can't play the game.
Windows 10 fall creators update (v1709): This patch has something to do with the crashes i get.

The exception file:
.txt  Sims2Exception-2018.01.16-18.35.03.txt (Size: 15.71 KB / Downloads: 550)
The config log:
.txt  DESKTOP-K2DUP1G-config-log.txt (Size: 10.32 KB / Downloads: 537)

Things i tried:
1. Tried without custom content (cc). (Didn't work)
2. I moved my whole ea games folder to start from scratch. (Didn't work)
3. I tried creating another user on my computer. (Didn't work)

So if any of you have any solutions or know something to fix this, please help me. Because i love this game and it makes me crazy that i can't play it.

Thanks for helping!
Cheers, Soort!

#2 17-01-2018 
Have you tried rolling back the W10 fall creators update? Since that's where the trouble started, that's the first thing *I* would try.

#3 17-01-2018 
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I tried it and unfortunatly i can't rollback :/

#4 17-01-2018 
Ah, you didn't make a restore point before upgrading... that's a pity. I'm sorry that I can't be of any more help in this case. Hopefully, @celebkiriedhel soon finds a moment to look into your problem.

#5 17-01-2018 
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Normally it was enabled, idk how that hapenned but it seems it wasn't. Thanks for your help @BoilingOil . I hope that @celebkiriedhel can help me soon.
(This post was last modified: 17-01-2018 08:18 PM by Soort.)

#6 18-01-2018 
@BoilingOil @Soort

Windows 10 and Graphic Drivers have a problem with automatic updating and stuffing things up. So Undoubtedly, the updates have stuffed things up.

Believe it or not, EA actually has a page on how to perform a clean install of graphics drivers.

So lets start with doing that.

Secondly, can you do a DXDiag for me, your display memory needs tweaking in your graphic rules which will help things as well.

How to do a DXDiag -

Press the windows button and R. That will bring up the Run Window.
Type in dxdiag in the run window and press ok.

That will bring up the DirectX Diagnostic Tool window.
Wait until the loading bar at the bottom has finished.

When it's done press "Save all information" and take note of the location the dxdiag.txt is put in.

Press exit to exit.

Upload dxdiag.txt to this thread.

I'll update your Graphic Rules.

#7 18-01-2018 
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I've done clean install and it's still not working.
dxdiag file:
.txt  DxDiag.txt (Size: 78.48 KB / Downloads: 540)

I hope we can find it out soon Slap
Thanks for helping!

#8 20-05-2019 
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Good Day!

I'm having an issue with "The Sims 2". I think it's the ultimate collection, though I've downloaded it from torrent website so I'm not 100% sure. The operating system I use is Windows 10 Pro 64-bit. I will attach my PC specs to this message.

So, the main issue is the following message when I attempt to start the game:

"Failed to find any Directx 9.0c compatible graphics adapters in this system! Please make sure you have a DirectX 9.0c compatible adapter and have installed the latest drivers provided by the manufacturer. The application will now terminate".

The thing is, I have all of my video drivers updated to their latest versions along with DirectX 9 libraries installed (as far as I can judge). Tried lots of various solutions including -w in the target section of the shortcut to possibly run the game in windowed mode and messing around with config files though nothing worked.

I think the issue could be with those files, to be exact, with the one named config-log.txt. It doesn't have any info about the game, memory or video card. It is just absent from it. Tried adding this info, though didn't do anything. I will attach it to this message along with Grafic Rules.sgr and Video Cards.sgr (changed the extensions of those files so that I could attach them to the message).

I really hope you could assist me with this as this game is one of my favorites. Will wait for your feedback =)

Attached File(s) Thumbnail(s)

.txt  BROKENSPIRIT-config-log.txt (Size: 4.59 KB / Downloads: 438)
.txt  Graphics Rules.sgr.txt (Size: 33.55 KB / Downloads: 442)
.txt  Video Cards.sgr.txt (Size: 33.55 KB / Downloads: 469)

#9 20-05-2019 
Hello @brokenspirit,

Here's what you did wrong:
1. We prefer that you open a NEW thread, instead of adding your problem to the thread of someone else.
2. You want us to help you getting an illegal copy (from a torrent) to work. There are two reasons why we cannot do that:
2a: We do not know if the torrent really contained ALL the files that you need, so your game may be permanently broken, in which case there is no way for us to fix it.
2b: It would be illegal for us to help you. Why would we risk that?
3. You don't even know if it's actually the UC or not? So how should WE know?
4. The config-log.txt is not helpful because it does not contain any of the info that we actually need.
5. Your Video Cards.sgr.txt is exactly the same as your Graphics Rules.sgr.txt, meaning that you messed up while renaming the files.

I'm not sure if the site owner, @leefish, agrees with me, but I'm guessing that we should not help. If Leefish says I'm wrong, then I will apologise for my faulty assumption. For now, though, I apologise for not being able to help you.

Have a nice day,

#10 21-05-2019 
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(20-05-2019 11:17 PM)BoilingOil Wrote:  Hello @brokenspirit,

Here's what you did wrong:
1. We prefer that you open a NEW thread, instead of adding your problem to the thread of someone else.
2. You want us to help you getting an illegal copy (from a torrent) to work. There are two reasons why we cannot do that:
2a: We do not know if the torrent really contained ALL the files that you need, so your game may be permanently broken, in which case there is no way for us to fix it.
2b: It would be illegal for us to help you. Why would we risk that?
3. You don't even know if it's actually the UC or not? So how should WE know?
4. The config-log.txt is not helpful because it does not contain any of the info that we actually need.
5. Your Video Cards.sgr.txt is exactly the same as your Graphics Rules.sgr.txt, meaning that you messed up while renaming the files.

I'm not sure if the site owner, @leefish, agrees with me, but I'm guessing that we should not help. If Leefish says I'm wrong, then I will apologise for my faulty assumption. For now, though, I apologise for not being able to help you.

Have a nice day,

Tell that to 99 people downloading this repack right now -

It may be illegal for Western countries, but here in Ukraine or Russia people are not afraid of some piracy laws. I would say it is kind of a blessing for us, cause games are too expensive for an average men's salary here.

And my game isn't permanently broken as I only play CRACKED games and they all work perfectly. Even "The Sims 2" worked great when I previously downloaded it (I'm not sure whether it was on Windows 10 or Windows 7 before though). So it seems like something's wrong with the OS or those log files.

Speaking about the config-log.tx, I am not sure how to get it show any info apart from what I showed you. Even if I try adding something - every time I launch the game (giving me the same DirectX 9.0c error) it keeps deleting whatever I entered there reverting it back to the original state.

I guess I fixed Video Cards.sgr.txt and Graphics Rules.sgr.txt documents and now the first one features my video card, but it didn't help much (still the same error without any hope for change).

I understand that you may not want to help me because of the piracy laws or whatever, but I'm the same kind of person with the same issue many of the people on this forum face. And I really need your help as this game is the classic one for me. It would be a shame to just forget about it and move on. I do not insist on anything, it would simply be nice of you to give me a hand.


Before you post requesting help
Information we need

  1. The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
  2. Your operating System.
  3. What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.

Sorry, that is a members only option
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