[split] Lively's issue - not necessarily graphics related
#1 31-01-2018 
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Hello, everyone: I am new to the site. I would like to say thanks to all the individuals who take part in helping us.
Now, my situation I believe is a BHAV/Interaction issue. I do not know much about this and I am seeking a solution.
I am being detailed as I possibly can. The Object Error I get when I tell my sim to find a job on the computer;
An error occurred in object N001_User00014-Darren #794. Error: Check tree primitive blocked completion.
My sims can not use the computer to find a job - they can play games; they can not send email either.
I would like to find out what may be causing this error. I believe my Downloads folder maybe what's
corrupting my game: I'm not too sure.

Attached File(s)
.txt  GOODINESS777-config-log.txt (Size: 10.39 KB / Downloads: 415)
.txt  DxDiag.txt (Size: 92.08 KB / Downloads: 761)
.bmp  Snapshot-Sim can not use computer.bmp (Size: 351.62 KB / Downloads: 413)
.txt  ObjectError_N001_t93658.txt (Size: 98.85 KB / Downloads: 677)

#2 31-01-2018 
So I was curious what kind of computer Darren Dreamer was trying to use (some downloaded computers might throw issues that won't happen with the default ones), so I opened up the snapshot... Only to find that Darren is a total bitch, blocking my view of the computer. So, now I have to ask: what computer is he trying to use?

Also, what mods do you have that are related to jobs, finding jobs, useing computers and/or newspapers? All these kinds of mods might have something to do with the problem.

Also, since this isn't a graphics issue (which apparently you already was aware of), why did you post it in a thread on the Graphics Cards board? And why did you include the config-log.txt and dxdiag.txt? For mod/object/Interaction/BHAV issues, those things are totally unimportant Smile
You don't need to apologize. I just wanted to let you know that these files are not required for this issue. What *would* help, though, is if we could see a conflict report from HCDU (can be downloaded from this Sim File Share folder)

#3 31-01-2018 
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Its the burgundy computer with the skull face on it. I have the insiminator v2.9 installed that allows me to pick the sims career. It's called the Career Adjustor

#4 31-01-2018 
Sorry, but "the burgundy computer with the skull face on it" doesn't ring any bells... what is the machine called in the catalogue? Is it a downloaded model? Because I don't remember such a computer being part of the official packs. And Insimenator is rather old and not very well supported nowadays, isn't it? I'm not sure, but that could also be part of the problem now.

#5 31-01-2018 
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It states a fatal error can not find the sims 2 data path

#6 31-01-2018 
WHEN does it state: "fatal error etc."?? Please be as specific as possible. I like to help, but I'm not a magician. If you don't tell me what you're trying to do at the moment that error occurs, I cannot help much.

#7 31-01-2018 
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I downloaded the file then i clicked on it to run the file. And it stated fatal error can not find the sims 2 file. I have the sims 2 ultimate collection through origin.

The computer name is LyfeB Gon Computer.

Sry gor the misinformation. This computer is grey and black with a rabbit on the side.

Can you direct me to the proper forum for this subject.
(This post was last modified: 31-01-2018 05:46 AM by Lively.)

#8 31-01-2018 
Hi Lively,

Don't mind the forum. You have an issue, and you need help. So we try the best we can to help you, OK?
LyfeB Gon Computer... OK, that's a standard computer from the Apartment Life pack. So that's certainly not the problem.
The file... let me just assume that you're talking about HCDU here... Yes, HCDU (and most external programs) have a hard time finding Ultimate Collection data, because they don't know about the changed name of the Data folder. What you need to do is the following:

Go to the folder "C:\Users\YOURNAME\Documents\EA Games\"
You'll see another folder, named "The Sims 2™ Ultimate Collection"
Select that folder, and COPY it to the desktop. Do not move it, but really select COPY! Then click the name of the folder on the desktop, and remove the " Ultimate Collection" from it, so it's named "The Sims 2™".
Now MOVE that folder back into the EA Games folder. Do NOT copy, but use MOVE.
Now you have TWO folders in the EA Games folder. Run HCDU now, and I think it'll work!

When the program is running, you need to click a button that is named "Scan". When it is ready, it will save its report in a file named hackreport.txt. Go to the folder where you unpacked HCDU, and open the folder Temp. There you find the hackreport.txt. Attach that to your next post, and l will see if there is a conflict that causes your problem. We WILL find out what's going on. Don't worry.

#9 31-01-2018 
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I was unsuccessful in starting the hack conflict scan. So just out of curiosity and troubleshooting I pulled out my game hacks folder and the game works. My sims can use the computer without the bubble appearing.

#10 31-01-2018 
Ok, the only thing that remains now, is to find out which hack in your game hacks folder is making problems. To that end, you could add up to three hacks every time, and then see if the game works and Darren can use the computer. If it works, you try adding three more hacks. As soon as he can't use the computer anymore, you know that one of the last three hacks was the problem. Then you try each of them alone, to see which one it is.


Before you post requesting help
Information we need

  1. The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
  2. Your operating System.
  3. What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.

Sorry, that is a members only option