Sims 2 - Non-UC W10 - Flashing Pink Issue Regardless of Fixes...
#1 13-07-2018 
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Hello everyone!

First of all, apologies if this is not quite in the right section, but it's seems closest to what others are discussing here. I've been a member at MTS for a long time, but I just joined Leefish. I've recently been running into similar issues that a lot of people have been running into that has to do with my game flashing pink, especially when visiting community lots.

I'm on W10, playing an all EPs/SPs game (Non-UC).

I've been reading a lot about the issues that simmers are facing, and basically tried all sorts of fixes, from Jessa's video, Kiri's .sgr files (I'm not sure if those worked for me to be honest, doesn't hurt to try again though!), 4GB Patch, editing "seti TextureMemory", to GRM, etc... Unfortunately, none seemed to have worked. I might've missed something or didn't apply certain steps properly. Sometimes, certain methods cause my game to crash due to an "access violation" exception. I understand that there is a (recent?) W10 update that caused an issue with the game, but I'm not sure if reverting/rolling back the update would help since different people say different things. I've posted about this on MTS as well. So far, no replies there. However, from other threads that I've read, people kept saying it's best to check Leefish, and so, now I'm here. Smile

The following is just a list of things I tried:

-4GB Patch > patch works fine for me
-Graphics Card Recognition by videocard.sgr > Explained below.*
-Graphics Rules Maker and manually modifying the graphicsrule.sgr and videocard.sgr
-Jessa's Video about Memory Allocation and Task Scheduler, etc... > Doesn't seem to do much
-Downloading .sgr files from leefish for Nvidia, Texture fixes, resolution, etc... > I had to use GRM with 'Force texture memory' to fix resolution.
-Deleting caches/thumbnails > slight improvement but reverts eventually
-test play without CC (I only have less than 400 MB of CC) > still crashes
-rolled back Nvidia driver > Didn't help
-running in compatibility mode > didn't help
-ETC... (If I remember any, I'll add them...)

*Also, I don't seem to have an issue with the 4GB patch and my graphics card seems to be recognized by the game, even though it wasn't listed in the videocard.sgr. (The GRM does recognize but I don't know if it actually adds it to the file.)

I've posted the necessary files: DxDiag, config-log, etc... and if there's anything necessary do let me know.

Thank you in advance! :')

.txt  MM - DxDiag.txt (Size: 68.78 KB / Downloads: 480)

.txt  MM-config-log.txt (Size: 10.24 KB / Downloads: 423)
(This post was last modified: 13-07-2018 08:00 PM by M.M.A.A..)

#2 03-09-2018 
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Hi! *Apologies for the double post but now I see to be running into a new but slightly different issues. I posted about it in MTS, but I thought I'd post about it here as well and see if anyone here might be able to help.*

Basically, the game was flashing pink on me as I was casually playing, so I thought I'd fiddle around with the graphics rules maker and see if I missed something from when I used it a while ago. I decided to save each file individually this time, rather than use 'Save Files' all at once; the graphics rules and the video cards.sgr. Unfortunately, it only made things worse, because for some reason, the second time I opened the program, the program would no longer recognize the Video Cards.sgr file (even though the file is there and it has all the necessary info, but in GRM, it shows up as blank with a few lines of text, unlike the graphics rules.sgr) and as I load neighborhoods, the entire thing is flashing pink (except the roads, and the sea/ocean is no more (invisible)). GRM itself keeps asking me to add my graphics card to the database when I click 'Save Files', yet if I check 'In Database', under Device Info, it shows up as 'No'. Clicking 'Add now' doesn't seem to do anything. Also, the resolution has reverted to 800x600. I honestly don't know why it's not being recognized anymore.

Also, this is what my config-log.txt file says:

=== Graphics device info ===
Number: 0
Name (driver): NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060
Name (database): NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 <<NOT FOUND IN DATABASE!>>

I've tried to get recognized as I've mentioned above, but it doesn't seem to work.

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

#3 04-09-2018 
I will make you a new videocards.sgr

#4 05-09-2018 
new card

Attached File(s)
.rar  Video Cards.rar (Size: 3.67 KB / Downloads: 419)

#5 09-09-2018 
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Thank you very much, @leefish! I should've updated you sooner that I simply did a complete reinstall of the game to fix the issue in the second post. The issue now, however, is that my game still keeps flashing pink. I've posted about it here in case it helps:


Before you post requesting help
Information we need

  1. The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
  2. Your operating System.
  3. What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.

Sorry, that is a members only option