Sims 2 UC - Help?!
#1 30-12-2018 
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Hey Guys!

I'm new to PC Gaming but, I've played sims for many years.
However, I just updated my computer to something advance/powerful and I feel like I just ruined my sims life...
The game just won't stop crashing and coming up with major errors for the last two days!

Screen Resolution - FIXED
Shadows option is greyed out
Shadows in the game also get weirdly brighter and darker in CAS
Doesn't load lots, crashes during CAS visiting, Randomly shuts off...

I've read so many websites on fixes and I'm not sure where else I'm going wrong.
I've updated my Graphics.srg, Config, and CSconfig...
I'm just really lost right now...anyone can lead some insight, advice, or something?

I've added my config-log...
Someone help me out?

Please and Thanks in advance,

- Flixxer

Attached File(s)
.txt  DESKTOP-config-log.txt (Size: 10.31 KB / Downloads: 381)

#2 30-12-2018 
What windows version? Could you run DxDiag, and attach its report to your next post, please?

#3 30-12-2018 
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Hey! Thanks for responding.
I'm sorry, I thought I included that information, forgive me.
I'm currently running Windows 10 64bit...
I've included my DXDiag as well.

Attached File(s)
.txt  DxDiag.txt (Size: 71.79 KB / Downloads: 443)

#4 30-12-2018 
Great, thank you, @flixxer27.

Windows 10 may eventually be a problem. At least, that's what it is with all NVidia 10x0 series cards. But you're using a 20x0 series, so perhaps...

Anyway, from your DxDiag, I have learned that you have a lot more Texture Memory than the game knows.
That is an issue that we can easily fix, however, IF you know how to use a text editor.
The trick is to open up the "Graphics Rules.sgr" file again, and go to line 48 or thereabouts, and find a line nearby that says:

seti textureMemory 1744

Remove the number 1744, and put the number 8010 in its place. Save the file. Make sure you do this in Config as well as in CSConfig.

See if that fixes your problems. If it does, great! But if it doesn't, I hope others can help you further.

#5 31-12-2018 
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Thank you for your help and insight, @BoilingOil
I seriously appreciate it, greatly, friend!

I've updated the files and ran the game.
Smooth Edges is now FIXED. Celebrate
I feel like I'm close to a break through...hopefully lol

My game still continues to crashes when entering lots and using cas.
The Shadow option is still greyed out as well. ConfusedHuh
Man, if I knew Windows 10 was gonna be this much trouble, I would've never updated Slap

Attached my Config-log.

Attached File(s)
.txt  DESKTOP-config-log.txt (Size: 10.31 KB / Downloads: 344)

#6 31-12-2018 
Shadow settings can usually only be dealt with when you're playing a lot. Since loading a lot crashes your game...

Do you have custom stuff in the Downloads folder? If so, it might help to go to your "Documents/.../The Sims 2 <???>" folder, and delete Groups.cache and Accessories.cache.
You could also try to run a bit without custom content (move the Downloads folder to the Desktop, temporarily), but I have no proof that that makes any difference.

If this doesn't help yet, then I'm afraid you need help from someone with more experience in fixing Sims 2 issues. I'm sorry.
The easiest solution might still be to downgrade back to Windows 7, if that option exists for you.

#7 03-01-2019 
Hi @flixxer29,

I've run into some new information for you: it appears that there is an option somewhere in the NVidia Control Panel where you can select which video card is used.
I don't know what it look like (it's second hand information), but that option is what you need to change your system from using the Intel card to using the NVidia card.
I can still not guarantee that it will help, with you being on a Win10 OS and all. But at least you now haven an opportunity to TRY Smile

#8 04-01-2019 
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Hello @BoilingOil,

Happy New Year! I hope you enjoyed the holidays, friend. Fishmas

Before going any further, I'd just like to say, thank you so much for your insight, advice, and dedicated service. I appreciate all of the help you give to the sim community.

After days of trying to figure out the problem with my game (deleting/restoring files, hacks, downloaded cc and such) and giving into the sims4 (which I 100% hate at the moment),
I've come to realize that all of my sims2 crashes have the same logged error of "Exception code: 0xC0000005 (-1073741819) ACCESS_VIOLATION."
Would you just so happen to know what that means? I've attached the log. Meanwhile, I will definitely check into my NVIDIA settings and give it a try.

Thanks again for your help! I really do appreciate it! HeartBig Grin

Attached File(s)
.txt  Sims2Exception 2019.01.04 04.47.30.txt (Size: 14.54 KB / Downloads: 360)
.txt  DESKTOP-config-log.txt (Size: 10.34 KB / Downloads: 307)

#9 04-01-2019 

Best wishes to you as well. Thanks for your gratitude, but I do not yet think that I deserve it that much. But I'll continue to try and help where I can.

I notice from your config-log file, that your system is a bit VERY fast at 4.5GHz. I'm not sure, but I seem to remember Kiri saying things about systems being too fast to properly run TS2. The upper limit that I often saw come by, was 3GHz. But I must admit, I can not substantiate this with any cold, hard facts at the moment. I know little about these things.

Honesty requires me to say that I have little to no experience with reading Exception reports, too. The only access violation crashes that I know of so far, are always fixed by simply deleting the groups.cache and accessories.cache files in "Documents/.../The Sims 2 <whatever>/". But I already gave you that advice. So if that didn't fix it, then only one last desperate act remains...

The only thing I can think of right now, is to move your entire "The Sims 2" documents folder to the desktop, and try to start the game. It should then create an entirely new "The Sims 2" folder and a new set of neighborhoods with no CC at all. THEN see if you can open/play any lot, or get into CAS. If THAT works, then we're finally making at least *some* progress. But if it doesn't, then please find professional help... I'm but a quack, neither qualified nor licensed. I know very little.

#10 05-01-2019 
Are you running the game as admin?


Before you post requesting help
Information we need

  1. The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
  2. Your operating System.
  3. What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.

Sorry, that is a members only option