The Sims 2 Takes a Long Time to Boot Up
#1 22-03-2019 
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Since the latest version of AMD Drivers, The Sims 2 takes a good 2-5 minutes to boot up. I have no mods or CC installed. On older versions of AMD Drivers, TS2 boots immediately. Ever since the latest driver updates, when I click to open the game it takes again a good 2-5 minutes to boot. Please help. Thanks.

.txt  DESKTOP-U2BFRBV-config-log.txt (Size: 10.24 KB / Downloads: 436)
(This post was last modified: 22-03-2019 12:23 AM by TheKixg.)

#2 22-03-2019 
*My* personal advice would be to roll-back the driver-update and keep running with the previous AMD-driver.
If that is the right thing to do, though, I don't really know. If there is something better to do, I hope someone else speaks up soon.

#3 22-03-2019 
Install an SSD.

#4 22-03-2019 
(22-03-2019 12:22 AM)TheKixg Wrote:  Since the latest version of AMD Drivers, The Sims 2 takes a good 2-5 minutes to boot up. I have no mods or CC installed. On older versions of AMD Drivers, TS2 boots immediately. Ever since the latest driver updates, when I click to open the game it takes again a good 2-5 minutes to boot. Please help. Thanks.

(22-03-2019 02:24 AM)Kunder Wrote:  Install an SSD.


I don't think that updating some drivers should suddenly cause the long delay in booting up the game.
And being required to install an SSD only because a driver got updated doesn't seem right, either.

Besides, the original post does contain the phrase "On older versions of AMD Drivers, TS2 boots immediately," which seems to suggest that an SSD is already present.

#5 23-03-2019 
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Yes, TS2 takes forever to boot on the latest AMD Drivers. I downgraded and it now boots immediately. However I updated back to the newest version because my other games are laggy on older driver versions. This must be an AMD issue. I don't know what to do.

#6 23-03-2019 
Yeah, I can imagine that switching driveres all the time isn't what you had in mind.
I mean, you *could* switch the old drivers in to play TS2, and re-update when finished so you can play your other games again. But why would anyone *want* to do that, right? And it shouldn't be necessary, either.

As to what you could do now... maybe you could report the issue to AMD. On their site where you downloaded the drivers, there *should* also be a link to their "Support" division. And in that section, there should also be an option to send feedback or something similar. If enough people report that they suffer from this issue, we can only assume that AMD will feel obliged to do something about it.

#7 23-03-2019 
If you have the hard drive space, you could dual boot your computer with the SAME O/S, and use one boot setup for the newer games, the other boot setup with TS2, and the old drivers.

Just a suggestion.

#8 24-03-2019 
A Dual boot... It may seem like overkill, but I think that this could work. I support this suggestion!

#9 26-03-2019 
Hi, a few days ago I threw a new graphic card into my tower and now I have the same problem like the TO. It's a Radeon RX 590 and it was impossible to get the drivers without the new AMD software Adrenalin 2019. Now my game takes up to 5 minutes before it begins to load. The OS is Windows 10. I've already changed the video card.sgr but it seems to me that the game doesn't recognize the new card at once. It tries to start, the screen becomes black for a moment and then the desktop comes back without an error warning but the resolution changes to a lower level. After a few minutes it finally loads without any intervening. That isn't really dramatic but it's a pity since the game is installed on a SSD and I've never had any issues before.

#10 26-03-2019 
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(26-03-2019 05:24 AM)MrsReval Wrote:  Hi, a few days ago I threw a new graphic card into my tower and now I have the same problem like the TO. It's a Radeon RX 590 and it was impossible to get the drivers without the new AMD software Adrenalin 2019. Now my game takes up to 5 minutes before it begins to load. The OS is Windows 10. I've already changed the video card.sgr but it seems to me that the game doesn't recognize the new card at once. It tries to start, the screen becomes black for a moment and then the desktop comes back without an error warning but the resolution changes to a lower level. After a few minutes it finally loads without any intervening. That isn't really dramatic but it's a pity since the game is installed on a SSD and I've never had any issues before.
I'm having this exact issue! It's possible we might have to contact AMD and they have to fix it.


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  1. The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
  2. Your operating System.
  3. What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.

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