Sims 2 crashing when loading neighborhoods
#1 17-04-2019 
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I know The Sims 2 worked a year ago, but now it keeps crashing. First it was crashing on startup, but a 4gb patcher fixed that. Now it crashes when loading neighborhoods. I've tried all kinds of fixes: I've run it in every kind of compatibility mode, as administrator, in a window, I've tried using the Graphics Rules Maker, and some other fixes I've found from Googling, but nothing has had any affect at all. The crashes don't even include any specific errors, just, "The application has crashed."

I've included a dxdiag log and a Sims 2 config log, if those help.

Attached File(s)
.txt  DxDiag.txt (Size: 80.69 KB / Downloads: 368)
.txt  DESKTOP-4CJG0DV-config-log.txt (Size: 10.07 KB / Downloads: 369)

#2 17-04-2019 
Is this windows10?

#3 17-04-2019 
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It is. I guess the last I played it (and it worked) was November 2017, not last year. I know there was something about a Windows 10 update last year that messed up the Sims 2 for a lot of people, is there some way to revert to before that update?

#4 17-04-2019 
I have windows 10 on the newest update (64-bit) and Sims 2 (not ultimate) is running fine here. I don't think you can revert the updates cause it will just force it back on you.
Have you tried taking out all your mods/hacks/cc just too see if it makes a difference?
Another reason could be the security settings on your folders in Documents. Sometimes windows changes them so the programm can't access them.

There might be a way to test that but it would be great if someone else here could confirm this method is safe cause I'm only 90% sure:
You could move your original folders from "documents/sims 2" to another location and than start the game again. It should re-create all default folders and a default game for you. If that fixes it you can delete the newly created content from inside the subfolders (but not the folders) and move back the content of your original/custom game one by one.

Hope this helps

#5 17-04-2019 
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I don't have any mods, CC, or anything third-party beyond the 4gb patch for the executable (which was necessary to get the game to even run).

I've also previously tried deleting the Sims 2 folder from My Documents: when I try to load a neighborhood (any neighborhood) it rebuilds the folder then crashes when it goes to actually load the neighborhood. I've also totally reinstalled the game, same thing.

I just tried making sure I have full permissions and the folders weren't read-only for both the Sims 2 folder in Documents and the game folder in Program Files; I did already have full permissions, and while the read-only box doesn't seem to want to stay unchecked it doesn't seem to be read-only since the game can write to the folder. Regardless, still no good. Sad
(This post was last modified: 17-04-2019 10:03 PM by Session10.)

#6 18-04-2019 
Is this a laptop?

#7 18-04-2019 
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It's a desktop.

#8 18-04-2019 
In that case, consider a second hard drive and dual boot win7.

#9 18-04-2019 

Check out post #4 in this thread. THEN read the first post.

Post #4 will tell you how to deal with Win 10 updates. The first post tells you what to consider in maybe getting a better "Simming" machine.

Leefish has a good suggestion also.

#10 19-04-2019 
@Session10 I see the extremely high resolution that your game seems to recognize. I'm using a Graphics Card similar to yours: a GTX 1080, and my "Monitor" is actually a 49" LED TV which allows me to play at 3840x2160 resolution. However, I've limited my game settings so it does NOT recognize settings above 1920x1080, because with my TV 10 feet away from me, I could not make out these tiny labels and/or the information in the UI.

So I need to ask, are you actually trying to load your neighborhood at this 3840x2160 resolution? And the last time the game DID work, did you load it at the same resolution then? Because that might just be too much for the game.
Also, when the game still worked, were you using Win10 then as well? Because most people cannot get TS2 to work properly with Win10 AND an NVidia 10x0 card. In fact, so far, nobody has succeeded.


Before you post requesting help
Information we need

  1. The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
  2. Your operating System.
  3. What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.

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