TS2: UC Direct X 9 Issue on Windows 10 & No Config Log Generated
#1 30-07-2019 
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Hi there everyone,

I really did not want to add to the masses of threads about my Sims 2 Ultimate Collection not running on Windows 10 due to the Direct X 9.0c driver issue. However, I am quite desperate now and have been trying to fix this for weeks. I'm fairly proficient with computers and this has just been the most difficult challenge to try and face on my own. I've attached a screenshot of the exact error.

I know that there should be a -config-log.txt file in My Documents that I need to share but I do not have one; the game has not run at all and I have uninstalled and redownloaded it twice now with no luck of generating one (cleared registry both times). I've attached images of my TS2 UC folder and the Logs folder's contents.
The next best thing I could think of is sharing my DxDiag file so you can find that attached too.

I have run the Graphics Rules Maker, manually added my own card to the respective file, updated the NVIDIA texture, changed the game resolution to 1920*1080 across all Graphics Rules settings, run it as administrator, tried in compatibility mode across all previous Windows versions and still have not found a solution. I am at my wit's end and have no clue about how to get the game to start.
I have wanted to play TS2 for such a long time now and have really missed it.

I would sincerely appreciate help with this and thank you for your time!

Attached File(s) Thumbnail(s)

.txt  DxDiag.txt (Size: 82.92 KB / Downloads: 367)

#2 30-07-2019 
@Kunder, does the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670MX belong to the "old" pile (which should still work with TS2 under Win10) or the "new" pile (which is forever incompatible with this combo)?

#3 31-07-2019 
Any GTX card, should go under "Newer".

#4 31-07-2019 
Okay, thanks @Kunder.

I'm sorry, @GenuineGem, but I'm afraid it's going to be problematic at best.
Our resident guru in these matters, @celebkiriedhel, who knows all of how to deal with DirectX, is not often around anymore due to RL stuff.
But even if the DirectX 9.0c issue was fixed, you would still be trying to get TS2 to run on a Win10 device with a much too advanced video card.
Most of the threads of the past 8 or 9 months in this section, are about other people trying to do the same thing in vain!

The best advice that we can give you, is to find a somewhat older, refurbished, laptop as recommended by @Kunder in his sticky thread at the top of this board.
The models that he mentions, are all good to run TS2 for a couple years without any problems. Alas, though, that means spending more money.
The only other alternative, would be to abandon Win10, and getting Win7 or 8.1 running on your system.


#5 01-08-2019 
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@BoilingOil and @Kunder thank you so, so much for your responses. Although I won't be able to play on my PC, I feel a huge wave of relief that I don't need to keep trying to fix something that cannot be fixed and can now look to another solution (i.e. an older PC). Thank you so much!

#6 01-08-2019 
You're welcome!
I recommend the Lenovo T440p, either with, or without nVidia GT730m graphics (better with), the T420 WITH nVidia NVS 4200m graphics, or the T430 WITH nVidia NVS 5400m graphics. Although there are many others, THESE, with Win7, are my recommendations for reliability, build quality, and upgradeability.

If BUDGET is not quite so much a concern, The Lenovo W540/W541, with Windows7, is the best "Simming" machine out there. Smile

My Daughter "Sims" with a T420, with Win7, and nVidia NVS4200m. I use my W540, or my T440p.

#7 09-08-2019 
Download this file: https://git.froggi.es/joshua/d9vk/-/jobs.../download, extract it and in x32 folder, copy d3d9.dll file and put it in the same folder as Sims 2 EXE. Make sure you have latest and greatest nvidia driver (at least 430.xx) and then try running it. Also it's HIGHLY suggested you use 4GB patch on the game EXE otherwise it might crash after a while.
This is does not work flawlessly yet but the bugs are just so minor you can ignore them.
What this file essentially does is it re-implements whole DirectX 9 with Vulkan API. So even if Microsoft or Nvidia breaks DX9 entirely (which is what Sims 2 uses), Sims 2 will still work with it.
The name of this thing is D9VK (https://github.com/Joshua-Ashton/d9vk) and it's sponsored by Valve as they use it in their Linux compatibility project, so it's not shady or anything.

#8 10-08-2019 
Is this now what you are going to do? Post the same block of text in every thread that shows issues with running TS2?
And how much credibility do you think you have if this is the ONLY thing you do? You have no more than seven posts to your name, four of which are IDENTICAL, and now you're the guru?

#9 10-08-2019 
@citrusalex thank you for bringing this to our attention.

(09-08-2019 11:24 PM)citrusalex Wrote:  This is does not work flawlessly yet but the bugs are just so minor you can ignore them.

What are the bugs? What you call minor someone else might not. What if I am running another old game on directx9 that does work? Will it still work?

I did follow your link but it wanted a sign up, so I did not sign up until I know more about it.

#10 31-08-2019 
(10-08-2019 07:10 PM)leefish Wrote:  @citrusalex thank you for bringing this to our attention.

(09-08-2019 11:24 PM)citrusalex Wrote:  This is does not work flawlessly yet but the bugs are just so minor you can ignore them.

What are the bugs? What you call minor someone else might not. What if I am running another old game on directx9 that does work? Will it still work?

I did follow your link but it wanted a sign up, so I did not sign up until I know more about it.

Hi! Sorry it took so long to respond. You can check current known issues here: https://github.com/Joshua-Ashton/d9vk/is...pen+sims+2
And you can download it from here now: https://github.com/Joshua-Ashton/d9vk/releases/tag/0.20
The cause of the flickering issue (which imo is the most critical one atm) has been discovered and it's currently in the process of being fixed.


Before you post requesting help
Information we need

  1. The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
  2. Your operating System.
  3. What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.

Sorry, that is a members only option