I've tried everything and can't get the game to work. Pink flashing textures/crashing
#1 07-08-2019 
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This is the Ultimate Edition on Origin. I've tried everything to get this game to run. If I get to the neighborhood, the textures are pink and if I load in to a family (sims are pink t-poses), I usually crash before that. I've tried the 4gb patch as well as using graphics rules maker.

Both things have not solved the issues of pink flickering textures all over the place, and crashing constantly. Everything I've read online says these should generally fix the problem, but it just hasn't for me. Compatibility mode has done nothing for me either. This is all with the Ultimate Edition on Origin. Any ideas?

For reference, I have an RTX 2080ti, i9 9900k, and 32gb 3200mhz ram. Of course, this is running on Windows 10 which seems to be the source of all of these problems.

I have also tried disabling the shaders in game and while that does make some of the pink textures go away, not all of them do and the sims themselves are still completely pink t-poses. Seems like this game might just not work with my system unfortunately. Sad

Attached File(s)
.txt  DESKTOP-V08HR4M-config-log.txt (Size: 19.54 KB / Downloads: 357)
.txt  Graphics Rules.txt (Size: 33.61 KB / Downloads: 385)
.txt  Video Cards.txt (Size: 25.87 KB / Downloads: 339)
(This post was last modified: 07-08-2019 06:01 AM by sodaG123.)

#2 07-08-2019 
Hi @sodaG123,

Quote:For reference, I have an RTX 2080ti, i9 9900k, and 32gb 3200mhz ram. Of course, this is running on Windows 10 which seems to be the source of all of these problems.

Yes, we can all see that in your config-log.txt. Have you tried reading the thread BEFORE YOU SPEND MONEY ON A NEW LAPTOP!!!? I would, if I were you!

The gist of it is, that with modern PCs/laptops running Win10, it is all but impossible to get TS2 running properly. Your current setup will just not do, because it is too modern, and uses Win10. If you're serious about wanting to run TS2 for a few more years, you will NEED to get a somewhat older, probably refurbished, laptop according to some specifications that @Kunder has set up. The only other alternative is to remove Win10, and install Win7 or Win8.1. They will still work.

#3 07-08-2019 
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Dang, that's what I expected but I definitely appreciate the tip. Thanks

#4 09-08-2019 
(07-08-2019 11:40 AM)BoilingOil Wrote:  If you're serious about wanting to run TS2 for a few more years, you will NEED to get a somewhat older
I am sorry but that's just not true.
Download this file: https://git.froggi.es/joshua/d9vk/-/jobs.../download, extract it and in x32 folder, copy d3d9.dll file and put it in the same folder as Sims 2 EXE. Make sure you have latest and greatest nvidia driver (at least 430.xx) and then try running it. Also it's HIGHLY suggested you use 4GB patch on the game EXE otherwise it might crash after a while.
This is does not work flawlessly yet but the bugs are just so minor you can ignore them.
What this file essentially does is it re-implements whole DirectX 9 with Vulkan API. So even if Microsoft or Nvidia breaks DX9 entirely (which is what Sims 2 uses), Sims 2 will still work with it.
The name of this thing is D9VK (https://github.com/Joshua-Ashton/d9vk) and it's sponsored by Valve as they use it in their Linux compatibility project, so it's not shady or anything.

#5 09-08-2019 
@citrusalex Re-implementing DirectX 9 will only help if DirectX is the problem. There is no indication here that this is the case.
The fact that this solution has worked in one or two cases that YOU know of, does not necessarily mean that it works all the time for everyone everywhere.

#6 09-08-2019 
(09-08-2019 07:52 PM)BoilingOil Wrote:  @citrusalex Re-implementing DirectX 9 will only help if DirectX is the problem. There is no indication here that this is the case.

I would be very surprised if graphical artifacts in this game are not a D3D9 problem.

Quote:The fact that this solution has worked in one or two cases that YOU know of, does not necessarily mean that it works all the time for everyone everywhere.

So far many of the posts like this I've seen come from users with RTX cards. So if this fixed issues for one person with an RTX card, why wouldn't it fix issues for another person that has a similar Nvidia card as well?

#7 09-08-2019 
I have a Windows 10 laptop, (MSI) with a 1070Ti video chipset. Sims 2 works "ok" on it, but I don't update WinX on my computer either. The instant I allow Win10 to update to 1809, I will lose my ability to play TS2. That's just the way it is. Not only that, I have YET to find any other Win10 i7-7700/ 10xx video, that will run TS2. I actually run on the on-board graphics.

The OP isn't having a DX issue, it's an incompatibility issue. As @BoilingOil said, Yes, you MAY be one of the few who are able to get TS2 running on a new system, but give it an update, or two, and you're done.

Just sayin'

#8 09-08-2019 
Quote:The OP isn't having a DX issue, it's an incompatibility issue.
well DUH and guess which component is causing these incompatibility issues? Microsoft's/Nvidia's D3D9 implementation!
And guess what D9VK is re-implementing? D3D9! And it's specifically aimed to provide game compatibility on computers that don't support it.

#9 09-08-2019 
(09-08-2019 09:29 PM)citrusalex Wrote:  
(09-08-2019 07:52 PM)BoilingOil Wrote:  @citrusalex Re-implementing DirectX 9 will only help if DirectX is the problem. There is no indication here that this is the case.

I would be very surprised if graphical artifacts in this game are not a D3D9 problem.

Quote:The fact that this solution has worked in one or two cases that YOU know of, does not necessarily mean that it works all the time for everyone everywhere.

So far many of the posts like this I've seen come from users with RTX cards. So if this fixed issues for one person with an RTX card, why wouldn't it fix issues for another person that has a similar Nvidia card as well?

1) Chipset issues
2) VIDEO chipset/incompatible driver issues
3) WinX update issues

20 other issues that come to mind.

Even two exact same computers are different. My MSI (for now) runs TS2. I just set up a nearly identical MSI for someone else, and TS2, will not run on it.

I'm no TS2 expert, but I have been working with computer/software since around '76, and I know my stuff. I know HOW, and WHY certain things will/will not work, even on identical computers, and I can usually fix software/hardware issues in my sleep.

All software, will eventually become obsolete, and unusable on a newer system. Try running PFS First Choice, in Windows 7/8.1/10. NOT happening. Well, TS2, is now at this point. What is it now, 15 years old? That is an AMAZING life span for *ANY* software product, don't you think? Technology has moved on, and I know this:

How much trouble I went through, to get TS2 running just "ok" on my MSI (Two years old, barely), vs. I just needed to install it on my ThinkPad, T500/Radeon 3650 Mobility graphics, and had to do absolutely NOTHING to get it running perfectly! That computer is NINE years old!

That right their, says it all.

As I now have a ThinkPad W540/K2100m nVidia graphics, running Win7Pro, to play "The Sims 2", on, AND a ThinkPad T440p, I'll be removing Sims permanently, from my MSI.

Just another note. The Sims 2, is NOT optimized to run on GT, GTX, or RT cards, however it IS optimized to run on Quadro cards. That's why it runs so fabulously on the older NVS cards, and the Quadro "K" series cards, and not so hot on cards like the GTX 970, or the GT730m, although, Win7 will help some in those cases. Actually, The ThinkPad T420, with nVidia (Quadro) NVS 4200m, is one of the finest "Simming" machines ever built, and the nVidia Quadro K2100m, is probably the best video to run TS2 on, EVER. Smooth as butter. My W540/Win7 machine, is the best "Simming" machine built.
(This post was last modified: 09-08-2019 10:03 PM by Kunder.)

#10 09-08-2019 
1) Chipset has nothing to do with 3D game rendering
2) As long as your graphics card still gets driver updates from the manufactuter, TS2+D9VK should work too
3) If all your other modern games work under Windows 10 update, D9VK should work too.

Quote:All software, will eventually become obsolete, and unusable on a newer system.

And when that happens, people who have passion for this obsolete stuff go out of their way and force it to run on newer systems, because they just don't like giving up.
All of the emulators for various old Nintendo consoles and Playstations are a good example of that.
Quote:That is an AMAZING life span for *ANY* software product, don't you think?
I can still play Pong from 1972 and Super Smash Bros from 1983 on my quite modern computers that don't even run Windows so no Big Grin

I feel like in order to understand what D9VK does to make Sims 2 run, you need to view it not as some hack or a workaround, but rather some sort of an emulator for DirectX 9 games.
So by running TS2 through it, it makes it behave not like an old game, but like a new game, without all of the issues that old games have.


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  1. The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
  2. Your operating System.
  3. What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.

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