sims2 #1
Part 3 of the "Realistic Gardening" series. It brings the sales prices of Fish down to where the most expensive fish (a mounted Golden Trout) earns you §144 in stead of §691.

Fresh Fish prices:
  • Bass : small §32, Jumbo §48 (was §33/§61)
  • Catfish : small §40, Jumbo §60 (was §49/§124)
  • Trout : small §48, Jumbo §72 (was §87/§221)
  • Golden Trout: §96 (was §518)
The mounted versions:
  • Bass : small §48, Jumbo §72 (was §44/§81)
  • Catfish : small §60, Jumbo §90 (was §65/§165)
  • Trout : small §72, Jumbo §108 (was §116/§295)
  • Golden Trout: §144 (was §691)
x 21

I've used quite a few mods by others, thus taking FROM the community. With the work that *I* create, I'm hoping to give something back TO the community.

Do with my work whatever the &#$% you like. If you re-use, edit and republish my work, I consider it a compliment. Especially if you let me know about it, and mention me in the credits.

But, although I would *appreciate* the note and the credits, if you choose to be a dick and act as if YOU created my mods, there's not a whole lot I can do to stop you, so I won't even TRY.


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#2 13-11-2010
Reduced price fish!!!! GASP.

#3 13-11-2010
Yeah, I thought it was ridiculous. Who would eat ANY kind of trout, if they were close to €700, or even merely $700? A whole orphanage could eat a week for that kind of money!

After killing the fresh food bonus, it only made sense to lower the sale prices for produce - and ultimately also for fish - so they would be more in line with food points bought in shops.

#4 26-07-2012
Yay! I've been looking for this for my poverty-stricken subsistence farmers! Thank you!


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