sims 2 issues
#1 05-05-2022 
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hello all im here today because im having issues running my sims 2 game, pink flashing, lag, crashing etc... i play my game with boolprop usesshaders false turned on but it only buys me time before it crashes. ive tried graphic rules maker the 4gb patch and all im not sure if im doing something wrong or not but At this point its become unplayable. below attached are my specs and config folder. All help would be appreciated.

.txt  DESKTOP-I13FSME-config-log.txt (Size: 7.55 KB / Downloads: 193)
.txt  DxDiag.txt (Size: 73.71 KB / Downloads: 170)

#2 06-05-2022 
Hi @raken2000,

According to DxDiag, your machine has only 4 GB memory. If you're running the UC, for example, this is most likely not enough memory. Things would run much better if you had at least 8 GB.
Also, if you're using a 4GB patch, it doesn't show in your config-log.txt. The game sees only 2GB. A good 4GB patch (George) can be found here:
And then you seem to be using 2056 MB for texture memory, most of which comes from your RAM, because your graphics card doesn't have that much. Bring that down to 1024, and maybe the game will run.
And somehow, the GRM hasn't managed to recognise and configure your graphics card properly, either, because it still isn't found in the database. That still needs fixing...

As it is now, I don't think you'll be having a lot of luck getting this to work, alas.

#3 06-05-2022 
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any tips on getting grm to recognize it?, I reinstalled GRM while troubleshooting trying to figure whats wrong

#4 06-05-2022 
Try editing the video cards.sgr manually?

#5 06-05-2022 
(06-05-2022 06:18 PM)HugeLunatic Wrote:  Try editing the video cards.sgr manually?

Yeah, that's what seems the fastest way to me.
For this to work, one would have to open the Video Cards.sgr file in a text editor like wordpad, and search for a line that reads
vendor "ATI" 0x1002

Right below that line, they should then add a line that looks like
card 0x98e4 "AMD Radeon(TM) R5 Graphics"

After saving the file, when the game starts, it should at least have the video card right.

#6 07-05-2022 
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(06-05-2022 07:36 PM)BoilingOil Wrote:  
(06-05-2022 06:18 PM)HugeLunatic Wrote:  Try editing the video cards.sgr manually?

Yeah, that's what seems the fastest way to me.
For this to work, one would have to open the Video Cards.sgr file in a text editor like wordpad, and search for a line that reads
vendor "ATI" 0x1002

Right below that line, they should then add a line that looks like
card 0x98e4 "AMD Radeon(TM) R5 Graphics"

After saving the file, when the game starts, it should at least have the video card right.
so i set up my grm incorrectly? also the video card that you mentioned to input is in there already but at the bottom

#7 07-05-2022 
I don't know if you did something wrong with GRM or not. I can only see that GRM did not enter your card properly in the game configuration. The method I gave above, should work even if you do NOT use GRM.

As evidenced by this section in your config-log.txt
Name (driver):   AMD Radeon(TM) R5 Graphics
Name (database): AMD Radeon(TM) R5 Graphics <<NOT FOUND IN DATABASE!>>
it is clear that your game did NOT find the desired line in your Video Cards.sgr. So, apparently, where the line is now, it does not work.
If it is the FIRST line after
vendor "ATI" 0x1002
the game will most certainly find it, and then THAT part will at least work properly.

That doesn't mean that you can play the game, though, because, as I said, there are still some other big issues to solve.

#8 07-05-2022 
George lives here - as per Kiri (maybe she moved it? But your link above didn't go to it.) Blush

Also - make sure you're running the GRM with admin capabilities.

#9 07-05-2022 
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okay so i got and applied these steps you all gave me but youre saying it still some big issues to solve so whats next?

#10 07-05-2022 
Here's a great guide to follow -
After following that, come back and tell us how it went. Good luck!


Before you post requesting help
Information we need

  1. The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
  2. Your operating System.
  3. What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.

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