Discussion (0)Creating a New Article in MyBB Wiki
Create an Article
At the bottom of the screen on the wiki pages you will see the editor bar. Hit the new button and you can start creating an article. Enter an article title, enter some text, review and submit. Of course, you might want to make your article a bit snazzy looking so see the styling tips below.
Editor Bar
Editor Bar

Learn how to use the MyBB Wiki specific tags

There are four specific MyBB Wiki tags - H1, H2, Wiki-Link and TOC - just hover over an icon on the top bar and you will see a tooltip.

H1 Header 1
H2 Header 2
Wiki-Link Creates a link from one article to another inside the body of the article - advanced users only
TOCTable of Contents - creates a table of contents at the top of the article with links to the headers

The table of contents arranges all your article headers into a neat table of contents. If you want a table of contents make sure you insert this tag at the very top of your article.
TOC button
TOC button

H1 - what does it do?
H1 styles your header into the same style as the .thead in your .css. It also adds it to your Table of Contents as a level 1 - with a link to that part of the article. Just click the H1 tab in the text editor bar - type the heading- click again.
H2 - what does it do?
H2 styles your header into the same style as the .tcat in your .css. It also adds it to your Table of Contents as a level 2 - with a link to that part of the article.

wiki-Link - what's one of those?
This is advanced stuff, I dont actually have ALL the answers for this.....
Write the content!
Make your article as clear as you can - use pictures where necessary. You can add a picture by uploading an attachment. Don't upload PNGs or GIFs - use a .jpg and keep it at fairly low kb size. You can do this in photoshop by using save for web.

When you upload an attachment give it a real name - it will show on the picture in the article like in this article. Then, with your cursor where you want the picture to be inserted click "Insert Big" or "Insert Normal". There is no need to insert the full size pic unless the original is tiny.
Assign the category
You can have an article that appears in multiple categories - for example, a tutorial on make up would be in Sims Related articles and maybe Sims3CAS.
When you are ready, hit submit and your article will be added to the wiki with a discussion thread. You're done!
Maybe you decide you dont want to make an article after all. Thats OK, but its important to follow these steps:
If you have pressed submit and now you want to delete the article EDIT IT FIRST by hitting the edit button in the editor bar. THEN delete using the delete button.


Editor Bar
Last change: 25-05-2011, 05:59 PM
Last changes - All articles - Categories

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