• LadyAngel
  • Location: Durham, UK

  • Currently: Offline

  • Date of Birth:Hidden

My daughter made me try the Sims a few years ago and the rest is history! I now have my own growing Sims fan site and really enjoy joining other sites and meeting other Sims fans. Smile

LadyAngel has made 44 posts

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LadyAngel's 5 Latest Topics
  • 05-10-2013
  • 1 Comments | 6,460 Views
  • 16-04-2013
  • 6 Comments | 13,322 Views
  • 27-10-2012
  • 1 Comments | 7,041 Views
  • 27-09-2012
  • 4 Comments | 13,211 Views
  • 20-09-2012
  • 21 Comments | 46,018 Views
Latest Blab
LadyAngel does not tweet....

LadyAngel's stalkees
LadyAngel isn't stalking any fishes.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Basically, all I ask if you use my stuff is to provide a link, either to the item, or to my profile at SimFansUK.com.

If you use any of my meshes in your uploads, you may include it, but please don’t claim it as your own, a link back to my site is always required.

Please include a copy of any readme file I add to my downloads if you use any of my content in your uploads.

Please do NOT upload any of my content in any form to the exchange.
Please do NOT upload any of my content in any form to any pay site.

You may re-colour my items as long as you provide a link to the item you are re-colouring, or a link to my profile at SimFansUK.com. Also, if you do re-colour my items, I'd love a link so I can check them out.

Please do not convert or upload any of my lots anywhere without my express permission. The exception is if you want to convert my lots and upload them to SimFansUK.com, then you do not need permission.
Don't underestimate the impotence of proofreading everything you write!

Sorry, that is a members only option