My friends, the end has come...
#1 09-02-2024 
The formerly unthinkable must now be thought:

I've never been in the habit of making backups. And whenever I delete a file, I *DELETE* the file; the trash bin on my computer never sees any use.
This has always served me fine, because making mistakes is also not one of my habits. I always check twice before I press the OK button. However...
At some point I must have made an unrecoverable error. Because after a thorough cleanup action, I found that the folder "My Documents / EA Games / The Sims 2" has gone AWOL..
This means that all my 'hoods folders and, more importantly, my Downloads folder, have gone to the great beyond, where no Sims live.
And with nothing in the bin and no backups, there is no way that I can ever find and bring back the tens of thousands of files that made up my Downloads folder...
So, in light of the fact that Simming had become somewhat of a rarity for me anyway, I'm not even going to try to recover from this disaster.
Therefor, after 16 years of happy simming, I must call it quits. My last Simming day is behind me.

I bid thee all 'live long and prosper'.
Permission to disembark, Captain?

#2 10-02-2024 
Oh NOOOOOOOOO! I feel so bad for you! {{{hugs}}} Flower
If you ever decide to get back into TS2 - I do highly recommend Osab's installer/set up. Rebuilding a DL folder isn't so bad either - just get all your mods, and a few others, and you are good to go!

Are you still going to pop in here to offer advice? I hope so!
I will miss having you around.
{{{{hugs again}}}}

Love you! Heart

#3 10-02-2024 
Hi Cat, thanks for the sweet words. I highly appreciate it.

Yeah, I'm gonna keep showing up for a while, trying to help. But I'll be more and more out of touch with the tech of simming and keeping it running with newer hardware and versions of Windoze.
But no, I'm not going to try to rebuild. As I said, I hardly ever started the game up anymore, anyways. Maybe like a few two-hour sessions a year is not enough to make all the effort for.

I'm gonna level my Windoze 7 setup, and with that my TS2 installation folder. It really is quits, dear. Sorry about that.

Love you too Heart {{{{hugs}}}}

#4 12-02-2024 
Oh, dear, BO, I am sorry about that. I did bid farewell to my Win7 pc and moved to Win11. Most stuff seems okay, even my Sims 1, but it was a fraught time. What about this site? Will it go on?



#5 13-02-2024 
Hi Ginnie,

Thank you for your support, dear.
My sims may have bitten the dust, but I'm not going anywhere... isn't mine to discontinue, and as long as I'm virtually the only moderator deleting spam and banning spammers, I'll be on duty at least once or twice a day. And as long as my mods have a home here, that's where they will be staying, too. And maybe, when the powers decide that is a ghost town, someone will pick up all my mods and put them up somewhere else.
My support may fade away eventually, though. Just advice at how to install/use them, when required. But let's be honest, how often does anyone still ask?



#6 13-02-2024 
Psst, BO, really should have your mods backed-up on SFS or somewhere. Idea

Does anyone have any idea how long LeeFish will be up? I mean, AffinitySims is gone now, and the Keep has a panic every year... Huh
The whole site really should be archived. I wonder if PackRat or anyone else has done that?

#7 13-02-2024 
You know, Cat, you are absolutely right. That should indeed be done. But you know, the thing is, here's the thing... THIS is the thing: as an EX-simmer and EX-modder, I see even less advantage in registerting with SFS than I did when I was still simming and modding.

Maybe some day I might make a lsrge zip with subfolders for each mod, with the description/manual included as an RTFM. But someone else would have to put it up somewhere outside of Leefish. I'd have to think this one over...

#8 14-02-2024 
BO, I have an SFS account and I am still uploading the Saving the Sims files (appears to be a many year project that I started in 2019). I can do that for you. Also, any of the creations here could be done as well.

Catherine, hi there! (happily waving)

#9 14-02-2024 
@Ginnie that would be absolutely brilliant. Thanks for the offer, dear. I will see what I can do about getting that archive created. May take some time, but I'll let you know when I'm there.

#10 14-02-2024 
Dear BO, you never disappear, actually. There is something eternal within. Many kisses and a hug!


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