• Smaller Grocery Windows 2
  • Uploader:
sims2 #1
Well, still plodding on with this set - this is a bit of a cheat really, just a one on two tile version of the Smaller Grocery Window.

This is REPOSITORIED to the original set - you will need the windows from this upload and the master windows

[Image: thumb640x480]

As these are repository windows then they will pick up any recolours that you may have for the original window. You can find them in the build mode area of the catalogue with the rest of the windows

ItemSubsetsPoly CountPrice
Grocery Window on two tiles straight2409 160
Grocery Window on two tiles diagonal2409 160
x 28

Please do:
  • Include my objects in your lots
  • Use the objects etc in pictures/machinima/stories
  • Let me know if you recolour one of my items so I can post a link in the upload thread.
Please don't:
  • Share the files as downloads
  • Include my meshes with your recolours unless you ask me first.

You can ask me HERE

Smaller Grocery Windows 2 Screenshot          
Download link
Filesize 23.24 KB | File Name SmallerGroceryWindow2Tiles.rar | # of Downloads 2,525  
#2 08-11-2010
so ... there is two straight windows ... weird but awesome ... I love them good Job

#3 08-11-2010
Gosh levini, is being a smartass all you do? But thank you for the heads up...typo fixed

#4 09-11-2010
Levini was hoping for gay windows, I think Wink


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