• Bare Essentials Bed Casters
  • Uploader:
sims3 #1
Updated for 1.26!

The last addition (...for now...) to my Bare Essentials Bed Set are some simple, screw in legs for the bed. These were a request from Inge Jones and they were fairly simple to make.

The legs have two channels: main leg and casters. Like my other Bed Railings these slip flawlessly under the bed at regular height.

[Image: thumb640x480]

How to Set Up the Bed:
  1. Purchase the bed and leave it at regular height (do not shift it up or down).
  2. Go to Decor -> Sculptures and find the corresponding bed casters
  3. Place under the bed, and viola!
Single Bed - 10 simoleons
Double Bed - 20 simoleons
x 7

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Bare Essentials Bed Casters Screenshot Bare Essentials Bed Casters Screenshot Bare Essentials Bed Casters Screenshot Bare Essentials Bed Casters Screenshot      
Download link
Filesize 52.94 KB | File Name daluved1_1.26_BE-Casters.rar | # of Downloads 1,395
File Updated 29-10-2011

#2 11-01-2011
also cool. What next? More pillows?

#3 11-01-2011
  • Fishlike Associate
  • 0
  • 142
Who told you my next project?!

#4 11-01-2011
I'm a fish of many powers. One of which is mind reading.

Also, I'm thinking thats castOrs. Or is that U.S. English? I dunno.


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