The underwear Quiz!
#1 18-01-2011 
We here at JokesUnlimited are psychic. Thats right and just by answering a few questions we can tell you what underwear you are wearing right now. Don't believe us, try the quiz.
Lord Roco, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Jan 2011.

#2 18-01-2011 
Whoa - unbelievable - it guessed correctly. I must be the worlds most average person.
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#3 18-01-2011 
I took a shot at it, and at the 5th question, I just had to abandon the attempt. None of the answers to any of the questions fit me very well... I'm not into sports at all, so how do I choose my favorite of Football, Baseball and Ice Hockey? They're all a waste of time to me!

#4 18-01-2011 
Lol, I chose football as I actually quite like American football.
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#5 19-01-2011 
Well, BO, you could have just chose which you like the most amongst the give attempt!

its fun we are looking into and we dont expect the generator give us all time right underwears! LOL
Lord Roco, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Jan 2011.

#6 19-01-2011 
I did it for a giggle.
I was surprised when the correct type showed up Smile

#7 19-01-2011 
Lemme guess x-treme .... jersey boxers?
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#8 22-01-2011 
See how well the quiz is psy!!

But there is one problem, it wont tell you the color!!
Lord Roco, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Jan 2011.

#9 03-03-2011 
Would you believe my answer was a thong? I guess that was as near to nothing it could get. Wait, that didn't come out the way I meant. I believe I must have an alter-ego.

#10 03-03-2011 
.... hmmm Levini got boxers ... im not wearing boxers ...i dont want everyone to need brain bleachings ... so im not telling ...


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