End of the Road for SIMS3?
Crikey, I was over on the EA forums and jeepers, are people unhappy about sims3....
I dunno - is it the end of the line? HAS TS2 which we all LOVED been replaced by a crappy wannabe-RPG-type thing?
Are EA a bunch of money-grabbing gits who are rapidly killing the Golden Goose? Or was sims gonna die anyway? Every game has its season.....(except TS3 of course...ho ho ho) ...maybe its just people moving on, growing up.
Read the thread before they nuke it.
I dunno - is it the end of the line? HAS TS2 which we all LOVED been replaced by a crappy wannabe-RPG-type thing?
Are EA a bunch of money-grabbing gits who are rapidly killing the Golden Goose? Or was sims gonna die anyway? Every game has its season.....(except TS3 of course...ho ho ho) ...maybe its just people moving on, growing up.
Read the thread before they nuke it.
The site don't jive? PRESS F5

I only started playing Sims around the time AL was already on the shelves, so I had never experienced TS1. And, contrary to my own predictions, I loved it and still do! Then, a few months back, I borrowed the whole TS1 collection from a friend, and installed it. Of course, after two hours of play, it got really old because of the outdated graphics and such. But even that short time was enough for me to realize that there were fun things in TS1, that had never been included in TS2. Like the way magic worked in TS1: it was fun to create the reagents from common materials and charge wands so you could use the spells later without carrying around a bulk of reagents. And building gnomes, and empowering them with magic to take care of your gardens/crops... that was a great touch! Not to mention how servo's were actually just mindless automatons who simply performed their tasks, and nothing more - as they SHOULD be!!
True, they added a lot of cool stuff to TS2, but it could have been better if they had included more of the TS1 features.
Now TS3 has been on the shelves for some time, and MOST of the user reviews about it seem to be rather negative. With every new version, EA seems to be abandoning more and more of what actually made the game such a big success to begin with. I hear lots of people about trying TS3, being disappointed, and turning back to TS2. Therefor, I'm not even thinking about ever buying TS3, let alone playing it. EA is killing the whole Sims franchise with their greedy attitude.
True, they added a lot of cool stuff to TS2, but it could have been better if they had included more of the TS1 features.
Now TS3 has been on the shelves for some time, and MOST of the user reviews about it seem to be rather negative. With every new version, EA seems to be abandoning more and more of what actually made the game such a big success to begin with. I hear lots of people about trying TS3, being disappointed, and turning back to TS2. Therefor, I'm not even thinking about ever buying TS3, let alone playing it. EA is killing the whole Sims franchise with their greedy attitude.
It saddens me that simming may be dying out. I still love the game but the real draw for me has been the social aspect. I am always newly surprised at the range of friends I have made all over the world. It brings me great joy to meet and greet people from all walks of life and have an immediate bond through simming.
That is so true Nonni. The thing that has kept me around simming was always the social aspect - talking ABOUT the making of stuff and meeting friends was the most fun part for me (still is). But indeed, we all grow and change, and get new hobbies. Many of the people I spent time with back in 2009 are moved on now - and without the common bond of the sims its been hard keeping friendships going. Its sad.
I also think that was the biggest issue with TS3 - its divisive aspect - I think that TS2 DOES beat TS3 hands down in terms of gameplay, but there were some people in the early days of TS3 whose PC just could not RUN sims3. That caused some jealousy and so-on - not good for friendships, and not good for the community.
Me - I chose TS2 over TS3 - the PC I have now could probably run them both at once
. Not everybody did - not everybody can - there is a financial crisis out there and PC's are not cheap. But as far as playing is concerned its all a matter of taste - I never played Sims1 - but Inge did - and she told me that she always preferred 1 over 2 or 3 - but you have to move on if you are a modder.
I think she means the kind of modder she is - we have to remember that for TS3 we would ONLY have TSRW if it was not for Inge and Peter and Atavera and Delphy and all the other tool makers out there, so I am glad Inge gave up TS1 so that we could have the choices for TS3.
I also think that was the biggest issue with TS3 - its divisive aspect - I think that TS2 DOES beat TS3 hands down in terms of gameplay, but there were some people in the early days of TS3 whose PC just could not RUN sims3. That caused some jealousy and so-on - not good for friendships, and not good for the community.
Me - I chose TS2 over TS3 - the PC I have now could probably run them both at once

I think she means the kind of modder she is - we have to remember that for TS3 we would ONLY have TSRW if it was not for Inge and Peter and Atavera and Delphy and all the other tool makers out there, so I am glad Inge gave up TS1 so that we could have the choices for TS3.
The site don't jive? PRESS F5

I agree with Inge, TS1 was the Golden Game. It's what made me get into the simming community in the first place.
Anyhoos, I really think TS3 is it. Not only is the community dying, but EA is sucking all of the fun out of it by being money hungry yet unwilling to make their content worthwhile. I totally wouldn't mind buying a stuff pack if that pack actually had more than a dusting of CC items. If I'm going to spend 20+ dollars I want some damn good content! And most could argue that TS3 needs some time to get better, and I do agree somewhat. If you think about it, the jump from TS1 to TS2 was a BIG one. We went from 2D sprites with only 4 views and 3 zoom levels to complete 3D with free cameras and even sims eye views. So of course people were wowed. But with TS3...nothing is really *new* except for the open hood aspect. So I don't know...EA needs to stop being lazy and give us a GOOD expansion pack--although I do rather enjoy Late Night.
Anyhoos, I really think TS3 is it. Not only is the community dying, but EA is sucking all of the fun out of it by being money hungry yet unwilling to make their content worthwhile. I totally wouldn't mind buying a stuff pack if that pack actually had more than a dusting of CC items. If I'm going to spend 20+ dollars I want some damn good content! And most could argue that TS3 needs some time to get better, and I do agree somewhat. If you think about it, the jump from TS1 to TS2 was a BIG one. We went from 2D sprites with only 4 views and 3 zoom levels to complete 3D with free cameras and even sims eye views. So of course people were wowed. But with TS3...nothing is really *new* except for the open hood aspect. So I don't know...EA needs to stop being lazy and give us a GOOD expansion pack--although I do rather enjoy Late Night.
Leesesters favourite make up artist
You know Dal and Lee .. TS1 was the game that landed me into the community ... the creativity was the good part ... TS2 was a lot better ... I never had better friends and awesome things than when i was creating lots in TS2 ... I think the cause of TS3 dying out is the Paysite factor too ... i mean as soon as TS3 came out we had pay items ... but not only that EA store opened ... so it was like people were sucking money out of simmers and it isnt right but you have to realize that people have life and that not everyone can create great things after a while ... and sometimes its time to move on ... I mean not everyone has enough time to play all day ... and some (like Nonni) do ... and also I think its the paysite debate ... I would hate to have my info shared on the interwebs ... so why would i play a dangerous roulette of playing this game ,paying for content , if i am going to risk my identity being exposed ? ... some say its a good game because its creative ... others say its really addictive ... there is also the factor of other games ... i bet you that before all these online co-op games came out (cough cough Call of duty (*ack gross*) and some other retarded games) there were about 30-40 percent of Teens Playing the Sims ... now i think that number is reduced ... Sims is a good game but with all of the greedy tightwads (EA included) its being strangled ...
Yes, its true that there are less teens playing the game, but the Sims demographic has been strongly tilted towards adult women (and I mean like age 30 - 40) for quite a while. Here's an interesting fact - that demographic have a fair bit of money to spend - often they are in charge of a household's finances and decide how money is spent. They also know that money has to be earned - its not pocket money - its wages. These people are NOT impressed by low quality stuff packs with hardly anything in it, nor can they be persuaded that the answer to their problems is buying a new pc. EA are pissing off one of the biggest spending consumer groups by their attitude towards Sims3 as a cashcow. Fools.
I think they know it too - Inge was looking at the publicly published EA forecasts for next year - and NO SIGN of TS3. At all.
And yea to Dal - the open hood and CAST are cool - but it's not enough. Having my sim traipse about looking for stuff is not as rewarding as gameplay and all the cute interactions the TS2 sims have.
I think they know it too - Inge was looking at the publicly published EA forecasts for next year - and NO SIGN of TS3. At all.
And yea to Dal - the open hood and CAST are cool - but it's not enough. Having my sim traipse about looking for stuff is not as rewarding as gameplay and all the cute interactions the TS2 sims have.
The site don't jive? PRESS F5

I would say that things might have been a lot better, if EA had actually looked at how people mod their games, what kind of features their customers appear to want for their games, and added THOSE to their new product.
Because, DAMN... Over a 5 year period, they made 16 TS2 expansions in all, the last EP is already about 3 years old, and STILL modders are hacking and working to make the game a little more sensible, because those lazy, greedy bastards could be arsed to do that right away! And did they learn anything from that and make TS3 any more sensible? I guess not!
Because, DAMN... Over a 5 year period, they made 16 TS2 expansions in all, the last EP is already about 3 years old, and STILL modders are hacking and working to make the game a little more sensible, because those lazy, greedy bastards could be arsed to do that right away! And did they learn anything from that and make TS3 any more sensible? I guess not!