• Deletable Mailbox Mod
  • Uploader:
sims3 #1
Works with version 1.42
This simple mod makes the default mailbox deletable, and buy-able from the catalog, like most objects. This is so you can replace it with custom mailboxes. Its location in catalog is Outdoor/Lawn Ornaments, price 0 simoleons. Install as you would normally install any package file. This mod will only conflict with mods that alter the OBJD of the default mailbox.

I have custom mailboxes available for download HERE and HERE . Smile
x 9

Please contact cmo.

Deletable Mailbox Mod Screenshot      
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Filesize 1.61 KB | File Name cmomoney_DeletableMailboxMod.rar | # of Downloads 8,226  
#9 11-03-2011
Psh, wasn't really any code, just OBJD settings. And the warning is just a disclaimer for the idiots that screw their game up and then try to come blame me.

#10 11-03-2011
  • Guest
Hey leefish, I didn't take any code from cmomoney. The OBJD files belong to EA and are with the game that we buy. All I did is set flags in them with the s3pe program. I saw how cmomoney had the set the flags and did the same thing with the other EA mailboxes. So how you get that it's code that he worked so hard on, I have no clue. Anyway, I wanted to thank him for posting sharing the mods and showing the way to edit them. Smile
Sorry, I missed your post, cmomoney! You did a great job in finding how to stop the mailboxes from causing CTDs if made buyable. I tried to edit the Wall Mailbox before (LN) and it would cause a CTD because it was put in the Buydebug menu. Your way works great!

#11 11-03-2011
Hey Guest - like I said its up to him. Cmo doesn't mind so I don't mind. I just think its a bit politer to say "Hi, mind if I share it" rather than "Hey I have".

Code - objd - simple recolour.... its not really the point. But meh, I'm old, and it's just my opinion is all.

#12 14-03-2011
  • Guest
I don't believe I have to ask permission to make mods that no one else has done yet, leefish. Wink If cmomoney had made versions to make the WA, LN and Barnacle Bay mailboxes to be buyable in Buy mode, then I wouldn't have done it. I don't like to make things others have already made. Sorry that you misunderstood what I was doing. Wink
And it's bluegenjutsu at Crazy Town. Just so you know who I am, in case you need to talk about this some more, or need to see what I actually made public. Smile


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