#1 12-03-2011 
Hi, I'm new here--just penning a quick hello to introduce myself. I've been at MTS for a while now (you'll find me as M3g7e there), but am just branching out and finding some new forums. So, hi all!

#2 12-03-2011 
Welcome to leefish Smile

So, do you play TS3 and TS2? Or are you a die hard TS2er? I see (sneaking a peek at your profile on MTS) that you build. Do you have any uploads on other sites? Maybe a live journal? We like game pics (HINT - >> Fish pics)
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#3 12-03-2011 
Welcome, Heloise. Good to see you here Wink

#4 13-03-2011 
Heloise!!!! You joined! Welcome, welcome, welcome ~ thrice.
[Image: Dino.gif]

#5 13-03-2011 
G'day Heloise, good to met you, BTW love Summerlawn! Looking forward to seeing more of your lots. [Image: waving2-1.gif]
You can find more of my work at Mod The Sims and Plumb Bob Keep.

#6 13-03-2011 
hello ... welcome to Leefish

#7 15-03-2011 
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Welcome! I'm new here too so see yah around!


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