What started you simming?
Purchased Sims 1 from Best Buy years ago for no reason at all. Never expected to become a sims addict because I never cared for video games in general, but it was love at first simming! That was also the only time I ever used the tutorial with Bob Newbie. I still haven't figured out all the tricks in TS2, but that for me is part of the fun!
I was babysitting my cousin's kids. Her son said "You have to come play this game, Joni!" So he fired up TS2 and we started building (my fave part). At the time I didn't have a computer (much to my dismay!) but we had a PS2. So my bf (now hubs) and I went through every console game (I still love the Urbz) till we got a computer. He doesn't play on the computer, but he still will throw out simlish expressions every now and then. There was something they say in TS1 when someone walks in the bathroom while you're in the tub tub that sounds like "Oooooo you varmint, get out!" which my hubs said last night when I was trying to get the kitten out from under the bed. When we upgraded computers, I got TS3, but have since gone back to TS2 because 3 disagrees with my computer, and for the most part I like 2 better. Just this past summer my aunt-in=law gave me TS1 for the computer, which I had never played. It's been a fun trip to see how it started

I have a Mac, which means there are very few games available that I can play. There are even fewer games that are not 1) LEGO-themed, 2) Star Wars-themed, 3) board/card games that you play against the computer, or 4) simulation games (Roller Coaster Tycoon, Age of Empires, etc). I had played and won Neverwinter Nights and was stuck on American' McGee's Alice -- I never replay a game once I've won it, so I was playing Alice on Nightmare Level, and it's really hard that way. Also, it was giving me actual nightmares, because I have a low tolerance for horror. In desperation, I bought the least stupid-looking simulation game I could find: The Sims 2. I was absolutely certain I had just flushed my $50 down the toilet, but I installed it and booted the game anyway, because I'd already spent the money.
That was fairly early in the morning on the Sunday of President's Day weekend.
At around 9 pm, I thought "Okay, I'll stop at ten."
Then it was "Okay, eleven."
"Okay, midnight."
"Just one more hour."
"Okay, one more."
"One more and that's it."
"You know, I've never seen a sunrise."
"Hey, in two more hours, I'll have been playing for 24 hours."
After about 27 hours of straight gameplay, I could not longer physically stay awake and crashed, hard. The rest is history.
(I still haven't seen a sunrise; I didn't pay attention then and haven't paid attention before or since. And I never did finish Alice.)
That was fairly early in the morning on the Sunday of President's Day weekend.
At around 9 pm, I thought "Okay, I'll stop at ten."
Then it was "Okay, eleven."
"Okay, midnight."
"Just one more hour."
"Okay, one more."
"One more and that's it."
"You know, I've never seen a sunrise."
"Hey, in two more hours, I'll have been playing for 24 hours."
After about 27 hours of straight gameplay, I could not longer physically stay awake and crashed, hard. The rest is history.
(I still haven't seen a sunrise; I didn't pay attention then and haven't paid attention before or since. And I never did finish Alice.)
When I was a kid, my dad bought us SimCity 2000 and I absolutely loved it. All my cities ended up bankrupt, but still. Then when I heard that there was a game that let you play as those little people that populated your city, I immediately got it. I had a lot of fun with TS1, though eventually real life took over and I lost interest.
Then I saw my cousin play Sims 2 when I was staying over during the holidays, and I liked it so much that I got myself a copy as soon as I returned. I think it was the genetics and aging part that got me hooked the most. It was a huge difference to TS1's immortal Sims and never-aging children. It's bittersweet when my favorite Sims go on their eternal cruise vacation after a long life, but knowing that they won't be around forever is part of what makes playing them special. And I still go "squee!" when I notice that one of my Sims has the same hooked nose or square chin as the family's founding Sim.
Then I saw my cousin play Sims 2 when I was staying over during the holidays, and I liked it so much that I got myself a copy as soon as I returned. I think it was the genetics and aging part that got me hooked the most. It was a huge difference to TS1's immortal Sims and never-aging children. It's bittersweet when my favorite Sims go on their eternal cruise vacation after a long life, but knowing that they won't be around forever is part of what makes playing them special. And I still go "squee!" when I notice that one of my Sims has the same hooked nose or square chin as the family's founding Sim.
I'm normally a Zelda fan. I love the Zelda games and the only game that comes close to that passion is Sims. My cousin is who told me about TS2 and she got me the *cough*pirated*cough* version. I eventually bought it once I deemed it enjoyable. I eventually got Uni and OFB while I had a job. I didn't have a good enough computer to run more than 2 expansions at once (I had a flashing screen when I tried to install OFB). That laptop died (due to shoddy parts) and I couldn't play Sims for about 6 months to a year. I had a friend who ended up buying the rest of the expansions for me (at this point I had quit my job due to a mental breakdown that landed me in the hospital for 2 weeks) and since I had a laptop again that could run all the games, I installed them all and tada!
When I heard that TS3 came out, I didn't get it right away, but borrowed my sister-in-law's copy until I got my own. Was disappointed (again) because this laptop that was good enough to run TS2 couldn't run TS3 (and it strained it after Pets), so I uninstalled it. My husband got a new gaming computer at the time and after a few months of going through withdrawals that I can install TS3 on his computer. So I did...the whole entire set.
To say that he didn't have his computer for half the day is a bit of an understatement. He tried his hand at it though and he didn't like it very much (which I will not understand since he LOVES Minecraft), although he got a kick out of creating Sims.
Aaaaand...that's it!
When I heard that TS3 came out, I didn't get it right away, but borrowed my sister-in-law's copy until I got my own. Was disappointed (again) because this laptop that was good enough to run TS2 couldn't run TS3 (and it strained it after Pets), so I uninstalled it. My husband got a new gaming computer at the time and after a few months of going through withdrawals that I can install TS3 on his computer. So I did...the whole entire set.
To say that he didn't have his computer for half the day is a bit of an understatement. He tried his hand at it though and he didn't like it very much (which I will not understand since he LOVES Minecraft), although he got a kick out of creating Sims.
Aaaaand...that's it!
Plus 1 million for Zelda. The first video game I played on a console - the NES back in the day. Yea, when I started playing Sims2 I had a weak laptop. I played for years not actually being able to play really - just to build houses and so on. I have most EPs/SPs - (Glamour Life - anyone have a spare copy?) and the ones I cannot/could not buy I have - acquired.