What started you simming?
My daughter kept talking about this game called the Sims which I had never heard of. She insisted on installing it on my PC, despite my protests, and the rest is history! I had a life before that!

Don't underestimate the impotence of proofreading everything you write!
heard about an openended werid game that people were customizing to their own tastes. Thought that sounded interesting and have remained interested ever since. Found some likeminded virtual friends who shared their how to skills and that was enough to get me dabbling myself.
Somewhere in 1999 some guy at work was talking about 'little people he could boss around whenever he wanted'. He was so into it, it made me curious. I bought a copy of Sims 1, got hooked, and I'm still hooked 14 years later.

And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music. -- Friedrich Nietzsche
LOL. I now have a feeling that I should know you DutchXfan because I've been playing that long, (or maybe a little shorter than you) - I started in 2000.
And yeah, feeling old comes with the territory I think. Did you used to hang at the BBS? I was always too shy to go there.
And yeah, feeling old comes with the territory I think. Did you used to hang at the BBS? I was always too shy to go there.
Nope. I'm not much of a 'community' person since I tend to take long breaks. It makes people confused, but it's usually me having a real life or having a (temporary) other interest. I always get back to Sims eventually though.
I did upload at MTS years ago (clothing recolors mostly), but I deleted all of those entries after getting insulted by a moderator. I was also very sick at the time, and so I took a break from creating alltogether. When I got better, I stayed 'underground' and only meshed/modded for personal use, learning from all kinds of tutorials. After a while, I had enough energy to work and play again, so I joined SynapticSim over at his website because I'm an X-Men fan. I've made some BodyBuilder meshes and recolors, but then real life messed up my playing time and I had to quit.
Now, I'm sort of trying to get back. This seemed like a really nice place to hang out. I still love Syn's website though (and I really like Syn himself as well - very nice guy). I'm just not into custom bodyshapes anymore, and I want to try meshing objects more.
So don't worry about not knowing me - I've never been that much 'out there' in the Sims community.
I did upload at MTS years ago (clothing recolors mostly), but I deleted all of those entries after getting insulted by a moderator. I was also very sick at the time, and so I took a break from creating alltogether. When I got better, I stayed 'underground' and only meshed/modded for personal use, learning from all kinds of tutorials. After a while, I had enough energy to work and play again, so I joined SynapticSim over at his website because I'm an X-Men fan. I've made some BodyBuilder meshes and recolors, but then real life messed up my playing time and I had to quit.
Now, I'm sort of trying to get back. This seemed like a really nice place to hang out. I still love Syn's website though (and I really like Syn himself as well - very nice guy). I'm just not into custom bodyshapes anymore, and I want to try meshing objects more.
So don't worry about not knowing me - I've never been that much 'out there' in the Sims community.

And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music. -- Friedrich Nietzsche
I don't know who it was. It was during the moderation queue and the moderator comments were anonymous back then. I was angry and upset, mostly because I couldn't respond to a comment both ignorant and rude, so I figured, "%#@* you all" and deleted everything in a hissy fit. 
Background story: I had uploaded my Wolverine sim in a Bodybuilder shape with custom clothing after a request. The moderator rejected him, telling me it was 'tacky' to use the same hair as the other Wolverine sims (Funnycats' and cdpetee's). Now, anyone who knows Wolverine also knows he's got a very distinct hairstyle. Back then, the only hairstyle available for him was that particular style, so it was a really dumb reason to reject, and I certainly don't like being called 'tacky', ignorant moderator or not.
Ironic fact: Synapticsim released his own version of Wolverine's hair not long after all that.

Background story: I had uploaded my Wolverine sim in a Bodybuilder shape with custom clothing after a request. The moderator rejected him, telling me it was 'tacky' to use the same hair as the other Wolverine sims (Funnycats' and cdpetee's). Now, anyone who knows Wolverine also knows he's got a very distinct hairstyle. Back then, the only hairstyle available for him was that particular style, so it was a really dumb reason to reject, and I certainly don't like being called 'tacky', ignorant moderator or not.
Ironic fact: Synapticsim released his own version of Wolverine's hair not long after all that.
And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music. -- Friedrich Nietzsche