sims2 #1
Most likely you will recognize the following:

You've sent your sim(s) to a comm lot - for example any of the EA lots - that you forgot to edit (or haven't found the time, or didn't wanna bother, or just plain couldn't). Now suddenly, for whatever reason, you wish you had a SimBlender, a Teleporter Cat, a Batbox, or any other custom cheat object handy...

Of course, you can use the "boolprop dormSpecificToolsDisabled false" cheat to allow buying the object, but then you'll also have to remember selling it again, and all that stress...

Wouldn't it be cool to be able to just click the current sim, and spawn these things from a menu, with the ability to dismiss them when ready? One might still want to edit comm lots, but we wouldn't NEED to do so, only to add these cheat objects.

So, I've set out to create this mod which adds two new sub-menus to the "Adjust..." menu on the active sim (teen and older only), while on ANY comm lot.

Sub-menu 1 - "Spawn...":

This menu will allow the player to spawn any of 52 distinct custom cheat objects:

  • TwoJeffs.../SimBlender
  • TwoJeffs.../Static Energy Sculpture
  • TwoJeffs.../College Adjuster
  • Inge.../Simlogical Teleporter
  • Inge.../ijFormal Sign
  • Inge.../ijModesty Sign
  • Inge.../ijSwim Sign
  • Inge.../Column Hider
  • Inge.../Tree Hider
  • Inge.../Invisible Lights Controller
  • Inge.../ijMulti Hider
  • Inge.../ijMotive Defender (orig)
  • Inge.../ijMotive Defender v2 (SC version)
  • Inge.../PY2Plant (orig)
  • Inge.../PY2Plant (lessbad)
  • Inge.../Table & Counter Controller
  • Pescado.../FFS Clothing Tool
  • Pescado.../FFS Lot Debugger
  • Pescado.../Macrotastics
  • SimWardrobe.../Weather Controller
  • SimWardrobe.../Maximum Strength Disinfectant
  • SimWardrobe.../Mrs. Crumplebottom's Purse.
  • SimWardrobe.../Freeze Ray
  • SimWardrobe.../Stink Ray
  • SimWardrobe.../Disintegrator Ray
  • SimWardrobe.../Assault Rifle
  • SimWardrobe.../Phaser (TOS style)
  • SimWardrobe.../Phaser (TNG style)
  • Gnohmon.../Flamingo of Ecstacy
  • Gnohmon.../Flamingo of Contentment
  • Gnohmon.../Flamingo of Happiness
  • Merola64.../Wall Electronics Hider
  • Merola64.../Time Control Clock (ZW version)
  • Ja [BANG!].../AK-47
  • Ja [BANG!].../Death by Flies
  • Ja [BANG!].../Disintegrator
  • Ja [BANG!].../Dragunov
  • Ja [BANG!].../Freeze Gun
  • Ja [BANG!].../HK-G36c
  • Ja [BANG!].../M14
  • Ja [BANG!].../M16-M203
  • Ja [BANG!].../RobinsonXCR
  • Poses & Props.../Decorgal.../Custom Props Hack
  • Poses & Props.../Decorgal.../Custom Modeling Poses Hack
  • Poses & Props.../Julsfels.../Posebox 2 (Riding Poses)
  • Poses & Props.../NixNivis.../Sad Animations Hack
  • Poses & Props.../Tsukiko.../Parts Poses
  • Poses & Props.../Akihiro.../Walk-poses
  • Christianlov.../Sim Boutique Clothing Rack
  • BoilingOil.../Need Freak
  • CH & JSW.../Adjuster Bouquet
  • Treeag.../FreezerClock

Note: You do NOT need to have all these objects in your game... The menu will ONLY show the objects that you have in your Downloads folder.

Sub-menu 2 - "Delete...":

This menu will only be available if any of the above objects is present on the lot, and will allow you to remove those objects.


These menus will not be available for children, because children at comm lots are either unselectable visitors, or in the presence of an older family member.
They will also NOT be present on liveable lots (residentials, dorms, frat houses and apartments) because there you can BUY the objects form the catalog and place them permanently.


The zip contains TWO files. Put both of them in your downloads, IN THE SAME FOLDER, and do NOT rename them!
The first ("BO - Spawn Objects - Controller.package") contains the main code and an empty table (to prevent error if the data file is missing).
The second ("BO - Spawn Objects - Data.package") contains the table with the actual data for the objects that can be spawned.

The advantage is: if I add new objects to the list, you will only need to download a new data file, while the controller file remains the same!
The disadvantage is: if you run HCDU, it will show a conflict between these two files. Do NOT worry about it, because that is *supposed* to happen!


UPDATE May 21st, 2015: A new data file (v1.03) is available, adding a new object - The Bottomless Bottle added in response to a request by @Duine. The bottle is available from both the "Inge..." and the "BoilingOil..." sub-menus. You can have only one of these bottles in your game, but the game doesn't know which one you have, because they both have the same GUID and identical functionality. So it seemed proper to mention it in both menus.

If you're new to this mod, you only need to download the complete zip, which contains everything you need.
If you already have this mod and wish to upgrade it, you merely need to download the Data zip and overwrite the existing Data.package with the file inside it.

Happy simming!

Credits: I need to express my thanks to both AncientHighway and TwoJeffs. Without their suggestions, I could not have done this. Also, TwoJeffs is the 'original creator' of the "Adjust..." menu, which I borrowed for this mod. Thank you!

If anyone has any more suggestions for objects that they'd like added, please let me know. With the way I designed this mod, adding more objects to the list is a snap. REALLY!
All suggestions are subject to the following conditions, though:
- I need a link to the object, so I can download it. I must extract its GUID to include in the mod, and I must check if it spawn properly. If you don't give me a link, I simply can't add the object!
- The object must be placeable on the ground. I can't spawn objects that must go on tables or hang on walls. It's impossible, so don't ask...

You advised to check back here occasionally, in case I've uploaded a new data file with more objects Smile
x 24

I've used quite a few mods by others, thus taking FROM the community. With the work that *I* create, I'm hoping to give something back TO the community.

Do with my work whatever the &#$% you like. If you re-use, edit and republish my work, I consider it a compliment. Especially if you let me know about it, and mention me in the credits.

But, although I would *appreciate* the note and the credits, if you choose to be a dick and act as if YOU created my mods, there's not a whole lot I can do to stop you, so I won't even TRY.


BO - Spawn Objects Screenshot      
Download link
Filesize 3.22 KB | File Name BO - Spawn Objects - Complete | # of Downloads 1,703
File Updated 24-05-2015

Filesize 2.31 KB | File Name BO - Spawn Objects - Data | # of Downloads 883
File Updated 21-05-2015

#2 11-06-2011
I can't find the words to say what I want to express. I am overcome with delight and gratitude. That's the best way I can say "Thanks, BoilingOil!"

#3 11-06-2011
Wow, what a neat idea! I think this will be very useful for people who use these cheats, great job on this! No more looking through the catalog to find a specific object!

#4 11-06-2011
What a clever mod! I'm guilty as charged when it comes to forgetting to edit comm lots only to find that I really need That Hack - you know, the one I forgot to put there. Rolleyes The Weather Controller especially is the one I want the most frequently, and forgets the most frequently, so this will save me some headaches. Smile Thank you!


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