sims3 #1
This is one of my favorite houses of the ones I ever built, so I want it to be the first one I upload to LeeFish. The next ones will be brand new Wink

Finnley Cottage is a tiny little house for a single sim, with just enough room to entertain few guests.

I got the idea for this cottage after HP kiddingly called me ms. Cottages Tongue So thanks HP for inspiration Smile

- Diningroom with a reading corner
- Livingroom with fireplace and a tv
- Kitchen with open view to diningroom
- A bedroom
- A bathroom
- Forgotten attic with things that have been there for years (there used to be ladders on the side of the house to access the attic from the front side, but they have been broken down a long time ago)

- Bike stand
- Seating in front side garden
- BBQ and table to eat at the back side
- A small vegetable garden at the back with salad, tomatoes and grapevines.
- Beautiful flowerbeds

The lot has been playtested for routing. Almost everything is CASTed, and the lot is fully decorated


35959 Furnished
21009 Unfurnished

No CC has been used, but I suggest you get this mod, so that the curtains stay where they are supposed to:
Curtain Height Adjustment by Granthes

Game requirements:
You will need Base game, WA, Ambitions and Late night installed with patch 6.1.11 or higher

Additional Credits:
Granthes for the curtain mod

Built in my BIDIY Smile
x 4

Finnley Cottage Screenshot Finnley Cottage Screenshot Finnley Cottage Screenshot Finnley Cottage Screenshot Finnley Cottage Screenshot Finnley Cottage Screenshot    
Download link
Filesize 2.65 MB | File Name Finnley Cottage.rar | # of Downloads 187  
#2 11-06-2011
Oh - it is the cutest thing I have ever seen Big Grin

#3 11-06-2011
This is one of my faves of your uploads Smile

#4 11-06-2011
Big Grin


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